Saturday 2 November 2019

Why Ethiopia builds homes in the capital city only?

Ethiopia has been building homes only in the capital city. There are factories in the vicinity of the capital. This has been the policy Ethiopia has been following since a tribal chief by the name Menelik declared Addis Ababa (former Fin Finne village) capital city. There are plans to modernize the capital city. Recently the city administration announced, it was going to build 500000 flats in the next years. They announced to build 20000 homes this year.. This should be encouraged and supported. But why is the government not building homes in other cities or in the rural areas? The money the Addis Ababa administration is spending to build flats or homes is taken from Ethiopia'snational coffer. The government should distribute the money in the national coffer to other major cities in the country.

                              Mayor of Addis Ababa announces the plan to build 500000 homes

Such policies that focus only on the development of the capital city is entirely wrong. The government should support similar construction of homes in the other major cities. There should be homes for people living in cities like Jijiga, Hawassa, Nekmpte, Gondar, Aksum, Mekelle, Dessia, Debrebirhn, Debremarkos, Nazret etc. One would ask where the money would come to build such homes in the major cities, which many of them are university towns.

Ethiopia's focus to build homes only in the capital city is ill-conceived as there are demands in other cities for homes. Ethiopia needs to learn from countries like  China or Russia, which have much larger populations. and have the housing needs of their respective population.There will be a need to build new homes in all towns of Ethiopia as this is the best way to promote better living. Ethiopians can build their homes themselves if they are provided with cheap cement and other building materials.
Ethiopia needs to build more cement factories for the purpose of building a large number of homes. For a population as large as Ethiopia's, there is  a need to build at least 1million homes every year, which should be affordable. These homes should be built for the purpose of providing accommodation for the population with lower incomes. These homes should be able to provide more comfort and should integrate certain traditional elements of privacy and elegance.

Ethiopia should take the best things from the advanced construction business in the world. Ethiopians might have the cheapest electricity in the world if The Abay Dam Construction is completed. There  should be flats for farmers not far from their farms.

The Addis Ababa government should stand for all Ethiopians and should take measures to provide affordable accommodation to Ethiopians in the major cities and rural areas. The current mistrust and war like relationship between certain ethnic groups should be changed for more co-operative and harmonious relationship. It is not typical for Ethiopians to fight which town belongs to which tribal group. This is a new divide and rule policy instigated by foreign powers like Egygpt and it's running dog Eritrea.

Ethiopia needs to address the issue of housing in the other cities too. It should be a matter of national policy to share resources equitably. If the population in Addis Ababa is 3 million and the rest of the population in the other  major cities is around 3million, then the finanical reosurces should be divided among all these cities according to population. Addis Ababa might spend about US20 billion to build these 50000 homes. We believe the Ethiopain government should not allocate all the money only to Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa has to build less homes and half the budget should be shared with the other major cities. Addis Ababa could build  25000 homes and the other 250000 homes will be shared among all the major cities, about  25000 homes for the 10 major cities mentioned above. If private investors want to build homes in Addis Ababa, then that is their choice.  There should be some  fair distribution of resources. All major cities should have all basic infrastructure we see in Addis Ababa: air ports, hospital, banks, roads, water, malls etc. The focus of the Ethiopian government has been up to now  to develop only Addis Ababa only, which is counterproductive and erodes the unity as a country. Imagine 25000 homes being built in Hawassa or Jijiga or Mekelle or Bahir Dar etc This could make a big difference for business and economy in those cities.

Ethiopia should support the development of towns and cities in the regional states. Some students attend classed in the regional states in makeshifts and tents. And yet Addis Ababa spends billions of dollars to build new homes.There should be a fair distribution of the financial resources to all regions of Ethiopia and the basic infrastructures as primary schools should get priority.