Thursday 31 January 2019

Curfew Imposed in Ethiopia’s Gas-Rich East as 47 Face Charges

Residents told Reuters soldiers were deployed in the province’s capital Jijiga.
 Unrest in Jijiga, August 2018

(Bloomberg) — Authorities in Ethiopia’s gas-rich east imposed a curfew and banned public assemblies as 47 people including the former regional president were charged with alleged involvement in robbery and mass killings.
The restrictions in Jijiga, the capital of Somali state, will last at least three days as federal and local security forces hunt perpetrators of “politically instigated violence,” the region’s deputy security chief, Abdullahi Mahamed Abdi, said by phone.
It’s the latest upheaval in the Somali region, home to sizable natural gas reserves, where a new leader is battling to carry out Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s pledge of a political opening in Africa’s second-most populous nation. Violence erupted in late 2017 on the borders of Somali and Oromia regional states, forcing thousands of civilians to flee and eventually prompting a federal intervention.
Ex-President Abdi Mohamoud Omar and 46 others were charged Wednesday for allegedly backing a vigilante group in August. At least 58 people died that month in three days of violence, while a mass grave dating from before contained 200 victims, Ethiopia’s Fana Broadcasting Corp. reported Wednesday, citing an investigation by the Attorney General.
Abdi Mohamoud, who was deposed by Ethiopian federal troops in August, is already facing trial over his alleged involvement in human-rights abuses. Bloomberg hasn’t been able to contact his representatives for comment. His successor Mustafa Omer, who has vowed to reform a regime he’s accused of brutality, last week fired five members of his cabinet, alleging they had connections to the deposed leader.
Forty of the 47 accused haven’t been identified, and Attorney General Berhanu Tsegaye didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment on the cases. The vigilante group, identified as Hego, is also accused of robbing businesses and involvement in the deaths of members of non-Somali communities in August, Fana said.


Ethiopia arrests disgraced regional boss accused of rights abuses.
 Former President of Somali Regional State, Mr. Abdi Mohammed Omer ( The Lion of Jijiga) under arrest

(Africa News) — Former President of Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State, Abdi Mohammed Omer, has been charged for inciting violence that plunged the region into deadly chaos in August 20018.
Omer, also popularly referred to as Abdi Illey, has been in federal custody since he was forced out of office last year. He is charged along with over 40 others for similar charges.
Reports indicate that only six out of the lot are in detention. The charges were filed at a federal High Court Criminal Bench sitting in the capital, Addis Ababa. The court is due to reconvene on February 6, 2019.
Aside Abdi Iley, the others charged include: Rahma Mohammed Haybe, former head of women and children’s affairs bureau; Abdulrezak Sehane Elmi, former head of the diaspora affairs office; Ferhan Tahir, former police commissioner commissioner of the region and two private individuals: Worseme Abdi and Guled Abel.
The court also issued arrest warrants for other complicit parties numbering over 40 who are still at large. They include former head of the region’s notorious paramilitary focre, Liyu Police.
A week ago, Ethiopia’s attorney general hinted that his office had concluded investigations into crimes committed in the Somali state, announcing that Abdi Illey and dozens of other officials had plotted to incite a civil war and whiles he had ordered abuses including beheadings.
Abdi Mohammed Omer was arrested after three days of deadly violence in the regional capital Jijiga in August.
Rights groups have routinely reported that his administration had set out to provoke ethnic bloodshed and had ordered a paramilitary force to attack minorities.
According to the AG’s office, their five-month investigation, had informed the charges laid today but also that 40 other complicit officials were still on the run.
Fifty-eight people died and 266 others were injured during the violence, including a priest set on fire inside a church, the AG’s office said adding that pronouncements by Illey and others encouraging ethnic strife amounted to inciting a civil war.
Abdi Mohammed Omer spent more than a decade in charge of the remote and largely lawless region on the border with Somalia, much of that time spent trying to crush separatist ONLF rebels. Rights groups regularly accused his administration of abuses including torture during the fight with insurgents.
Breaking with the past
The political winds shifted dramatically in Ethiopia when Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came to power in April, promising to rein in the powerful security services and make peace with separatist groups, such as the ONLF.
Several security officials and senior members of past administrations have been arrested, accused of a range of crimes including corruption and rights abuses.
Government officials said in August that Abdi Mohammed Omer’s administration had sought to mobilise ethnic Somalis to support him as rumours spread that he would be arrested on suspicion of being involved in rights violations.
In November, during investigations into the violence, police uncovered a grave containing at least 200 bodies along the border with Oromiya region.


Wednesday 30 January 2019

እነበረከት እንደ “እድለ ቢሶቹ” ልጆች

ከምስክር አለነ

ሰሞኑን አንድ የእንግሊዝኛ ተከታታይ ፊልም እየተከታተልን ነው። የዚህ ፊልም ርዕስ” The Series of Unfortunate Events” የሚል ነው። እዚህ ላይ ይህን ፊልም ያነሳሁት ስለሱ ትንታኔ ውስጥ ልገባ አይደለም፤ እንዲያው ነገሮች ቢመሳሰሉብኝ እንጅ። ነገሩ እንዲህ ነው። ፊልሙ ውስጥ ቤተሰቦቻቸው በሞት የተለዩአቸው ሶስት ልጆች አሉ። እነዚህ ልጆች ከቤተሰቦቻቸው በውርስ ያገኙት የትየለሌ ሃብት ባደራ ተቀምጧል። እጅግ በጣም የሚያሳዝነው ነገር ይህን የልጆች ሃብት ሰይጣናዊ በሆነ መንገድ የራሱ ለማድረግ የማይፈነቅለው ደንጋይ የሌለው የሩቅ ዘመድ (ከዚህ በኋላ ዘመድ እየተባለ የሚገለፅ ሰው) አላቸው። ይህን ለማድረግ ደግሞ የልጆቹ አሳዳጊ ሆኖ እንዲሰራ ጥረት አድርጎ ተሳክቶለት ነበር። ይህ ዘመድ ተብየ የልጆቹን የውርስ ገንዘብ መፈለግ ብቻ ሳይሆን የነሱን ጉልበት እንደ ሸንኮራ አገዳ መጥጦታል ማለት ይቻላል። በሌላ በኩል ልጆቹ አሳዳጊ እስኪያገኙ ድረስ በሞግዚትነት የሚከታተላቸው ሰው አለ።
ልጆቹ የዘመዳቸውን ሰይጣናዊ ድርጊት ስለተገነዘቡ አሳዳጊያቸው እንዳይሆን ለሞግዚታቸው በማስረጃ አስደግፈው በማሳመናቸው ይህ ሞግዚት ሌላ አሳዳጊ እንዲመደብላቸው አድርጓል።  ጉዱ ያለው ግን ይህ ሌላ ሰው የተባለው አሳዳጊ ያው ዘመዳቸው መሆኑ ነው። ዘመድ ተብየው አሳዳጊ ሊሆን ይችል ዘንድ የተሳካለት ራሱን በሰው ሰራሽ ዘዴ ቀይሮ ሌላ ሰው ሆኖ በመቅረቡ ነበር። 

ታዲያ ይህ አሳዳጊ አላማው ልጆቹን ችግር ውስጥ አስገብቶ ሃብታቸውን የራሱ ማድረግ ነበርና ራሱ ያስገደለውን አንድ ምስኪን ሰው  እውነተኛው ዘመዳቸው (ራሱ ማለት ነው) እንደሆነ በማስመሰል ልጆቹ እንደገደሉት አድርጎ የተለያዩ ዘዴዎችን ተጠቅሞ በማቅረብ ህዝቡን ለማሳመን ቻለ። ። በዚህ ምክንያት እድለ ቢሶቹ ልጆች በመሳደድ ላይ ይገኛሉ። እስኪ እንግዲህ ይህን ፊልም በዘርፍ በዘርፉ አድርገን ከነበረከት ጉዳይ ጋ እያነፃፀርን እንመልከተው።
እነበረከት ከእድለ ቢሶቹ ልጆች አንፃር:
እንደሚታወቀው እነበረከት ከልጅነት እስከእውቀት ከጓደኞቻቸው ጋ በመሆን ኢህዴንን (ብአዴንን) መስርተው አሁን ለደረሰበት ደርጃ ያበቁ ሰዎች ናቸው። በዚህ ሂደት ጉልበታቸውን፣ እውቀታቸውንና ጊዚያቸውን ለአማራ ህዝብ ሰውተዋል። ለዚህም አንዱ ማሳያ የጥረት ኮርፖሬት ከ20 ሚሊዮን ብር ካፒታል ተነስቶ በቢሊዮን የሚቆጠር ካፒታል እንዲያፈራ ማድረጋቸው ነው። እዚህ ላይ ግልፅ መሆን ያለበት ፍሬ ነገር በጥረት ሃብት ጉዳይ ላይ በእነበረከትና በከሳሾች መካከል ያለው ልዩነት ካፒታሉ በቢልዮን የሚቆጠር መሆን አለመሆኑ ላይ ሳይሆን ስንት ቢሊዮን ስንት ቢሊዮን ደርሷል በሚል ጉድይ ላይ ነው።
አሁን ላይ ደግሞ ልክ እድለ ቢሶቹ ልጆች በዘመዳቸው የናጠጡ ሃብታሞች ተደርገው እንደሚወሰዱት ሁሉ እነረከትም በብአዴን (አዴፓ) አመራሮች ከፍተኛ የሃብት ምንጭ ተደርገው ነው እየተቆጠሩ ያሉት። እዚህ ላይ ስለሃብት ምንጭነት ሲወራ እየተነሳ ያለው ስለገንዘብና ንብረት አይደለም፤ የመራጮችን ድምፅ መግዛት ስለሚያስችል የፖለቲካ ትርፍ እንጅ። ይህም ማለት ለረጅም ዘመናት ብአዴን ውስጥም ሆነ ከውጭ እነበረከት አማራ አይደሉም እንዲያውም ፀረ አማራ ናቸው በሚል በጎጥ ጭቃ በተጨማለቀ ጅራፍ ሲገረፉ ቆይተዋል።  ይህ በነበረከት ላይ የተፈፀመና አሁንም እየተፈፀመ ያለ የጎጥ ጅራፍ ግርፋትም ሰፊ የጥላቻ ጠባሳ አሳርፎባቸዋል። ስለዚህ አሁን ላይ የአዴፓ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች  እነበረከትን ፀረ አማራና ሙሰኞች ናቸው በሚል አሳልፈን ብንሰጣቸው  ከፍተኛ የሆነ የፖለቲካ ትርፍ እናገኝባቸዋለን ወይም የምርጫ ካርድ እንገዛባቸዋለን የሚል ተስፋ የሰነቁ መሆኑን መገንዘብ ይቻላል።
የአዴፓ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች ከዘመድ ተብዬው አንፃር፡
እንደሚታወቀው የአዴፓ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች እነበረከትን ከማንም በላይ ላባቸውን አንጠፍጥፈው እንዲሰሩ አድርገዋል። ለምሳሌ ያህል እነበረከት በአፈር፣ ውሃና ተፈጥሮ ሃብት ጥበቃ፣ በሰላምና ፀጥታ፣ እንዲሁም በሌሎች የልማት ስራወች በርካታ አስተዋፅዖ አብርክተዋል። ከዚህ በተጨማሪም በረከት ካንተ በተሻለ ሊሰራው የሚችል ሰው የለም እየተባለ አብዛኛውን የብአዴን ስራ ተሸክሞ የኖረና በጀግንነቱ የታወቀ ታጋይ እንደነበር አሁን ያሰሩት “ባለጊዜዎች” በደንብ ይገነዘቡታል። በረከት አሁን አነሱ እንደሚሉት ፀረ አማራና ሙሰኛ ከነበረ ከዛሬ አንድ አመት በፊት መልቀቂያ ጠይቆ ከድርጅቱ ሲወጣ ለምነውና ተለማምጠው ወደ ድርጅቱ እንዲመለስ አያደርጉትም ነበር። ባጠቃላይም የአዴፓ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች ልክ የእድለ ቢሶቹ ልጆች ዘመድ እንዳደረገው ሁሉ የነበረከትን ጉልበት ጋጥ አድርገው በልተዋል ቢባል ማጋነን አይሆንም።  
አሁን ያለንበትን ወቅት ስናይ ደግሞ የአዴፓ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች የህዝቡን በተለይም የወጣቱን ጥያቄዎች እየመለሱ ስላልሆነ ከተወሰኑ ወራት በፊት ተችሯቸው የነበረው ሞቅ ሞቅ ያለው ድጋፍ እየተቀዛቀዘ መጥቷል። በተለይ ወጣቱ ከኢኮኖሚ ተጠቃሚነት አንፃር የሚያነሳው ጥያቄ እየተመለሰለት ስላልሆነ ለአዴፓ አመርሮች ጀርባውን እየሰጣቸው  እንዳለ በግልፅ የሚታይ ሃቅ ነው። በዚያ ላይ አማራ ብሄራዊ ንቅናቄ -አብን (National Movement of Amhara-NMA) ብሎ ራሱን የሚጠራ አዲስ የፖሊቲካ ፓርቲ ተመስርቷል። ይህ ፓርቲ ፅንፈኝኛ የሆነ የብሄርትተኝነት ጥያቄ በማራመድና የአዴፓ አመራሮችን ስፍር ቁጥር የሌላቸው ድክመቶች በመንቀስ በህዝቡ በተለይም በወጣቱ ዘንድ ከፍተኛ ተቀባይነት አያገኝ እንዳለ እየታየ ነው። በነዚህ ምክንያቶች የአዴፓ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች በሚቀጥለው ምርጫ ስልጣናችንን እናጣ ይሆናል የሚል ከፍተኛ ስጋት ላይ ወድቀዋል።  ስለዚህ ልክ የእድለ ቢሶቹ ዘመድ የልጆቹን የውርስ ሃብት የራሱ ለማድረግ ሰው ገድለዋል በሚል በህዝቡ እንዲሳደዱ እንዳደረገው ሁሉ የአዴፓ ከፍተኛ አመራሮችም ፀረ አማራ የሚሏቸውን እነበረከትን ሙሰኞች ናቸው የሚል የፈጠራ ክስ መስርተው እጅግ በጣም ርካሽ የሆነ የፖለቲካ ትርፍ ለማግኘት እየጣሩ ነው። እውነት እንነጋገርና ኢህአዴግ ውስጥ ቀርቶ ብአዴንን ብቻ ወስደን በከፍተኛ አመራሩ ውስጥ ያሉ ሙሰኞች ይሰለፉ ቢባል በረከት ሲሆን ሲሆን ሰልፉን አይቀላቀልም፡ ካልሆነም ደግሞ አቶ ጌታቸው አረዳ እንዳለው የመጨረሻው ተሰላፊ ነበር የሚሆነው። በዚህ ላይ በቂም በቀል ተነሳስተው እነበረክትን መቀመቅ ለማውረድ የሚታትሩ የአዴፓ አመራሮች ቁጥር ቀላል እንዳልሆነ የሚያመላክቱ መረጃዎች ብዙ ናቸው።  
የፌዴራል መንግስቱ ከእድለ ቢሶቹ ልጆች ሞግዚት አንፃር፡
በረከት ለረጅም አመታት የፌዴራል መንግስት ከፍተኛ አመራር ሆኖ የሰራ መሆኑ ይታወቃል። በዚህም ምክንያት የፌዴራል መንግስቱ ህግ በሚፈቅቅደው መሰረት ጥበቃ የማድረግ ግዴታ አለበት። ጥበቃ ብቻ ሳይሆን ፌዴራል መንግስቱ አሁንም ህጉ በሚፈቅደው መሰረት የበረከትን ጥቅማ ጥቅሞች የማስከበር ሃላፊነት አለበት። ይሁንና ልክ የእድለ ቢሶቹ ልጆች ሞግዚት ልጆቹ ሰው ገድለዋል በሚል ስግብግቡ ዘመዳቸው የለጠፈባቸውን ውንጀላ አምኖ የራሳችሁ ጉዳይ እንዳላቸው ሁሉ ፌዴራል መንግስቱም በረከትን ሜዳ ላይ ጥሎታል። ለዚህ ማሳያ የሚሆነው አንዱ ጉዳይ  እስካሁን ድረስ ስንትና ስንት የፈጠራ ዘመቻ ሲካሄድበትና ደብረማርቆስና ሌሎች አከባቢዎች በአካል ተገኝቶ ቢሆን ኖሮ በህይወት በመኖር መብቱ ላይ አደጋ ሊያደርሱ ይችሉ የነበሩ እጅግ በጣም ነውረኛ ድርጊቶች ሲፈፀሙ የኮነነ አንድም የፌዴራል መንግስት አካል የለም። ሁለተኛው ማሳያ ደግሞ በቅርቡ የአማራ ክልላዊ መንግስት ፖሊሶች ጠለፋ በሚመስል መንገድ በረከትን ወደ ባህር ዳር ወስደው እስር ቤት ሲያስገቡት የሱ እስር ጉዳይ በፌዴራል መንግስት የተያዘ አይደለም የሚል መልስ ከመስጠት ውጭ ፌዴራል መንግስቱ ስለበረከት ደህንነት መጨነቁን የሚያሳይ አንድም ምልክት አልታየም።
እዚህ ላይ መታወቅ ያለበት ቁም ነገር የፌዴራል መንግስቱ በረከትን ሊያግዘው ያልፈለገበት ምክኒያቶች ሊኖሩ እንደሚችሉ መገመት አስቸጋሪ አይሆንም። አንደኛው ምክንያት በረከት በቆራጥንነትና በግልፅነት እንዲሁም  ለአገርና ለህዝብ ካለው ተቆርቋሪነት በመነሳት በመንግስት ላይ ሲያቀርብ የነበረው ትችት ሊሆን ይችላል። በሁለተኛ ደረጃም ቢሆን  የጅምላና ጎራን የደበላለቀ መደመር አይገባኝም የሚል አቋም በመያዙ ቅሬታ አልፈጠረም ብሎ መገመት የዋህነት ነው።
ፊልሙ ውስጥ ያለው ህዝብ ከአማራ ክልልል ህዝብ አንፃር፡
ፊልሙ ውስጥ ያለው ህዝብ በዘመድ ተብየውና አጋሮቹ መሰሪ ተንኮሎች በተቀነባበረ የፈጠራ ወሬ ተደናግሮ ልጆቹ ሰው ገዳይ እንደሆኑ አምኗል። በመሆኑም በየሄዱበት እያሳደዳቸው ይገኛል። ቁጥሩ ቀላል ያልሆነ የአማራ ህዝብም ቢሆን በተለይ ደግሞ ወጣቱ በአዴፓ አመራሮችና የሰይጣን ስራ በተጠናወታቸው ኢሳትን በመሳሰሉ የብዙሃን መገናኛ ተቋማት ነን ባይ የውሸት ቋቶች ድጋፍ እንዲሁም በፌስቡክ ሰራዊቱ የፈጠራ ወሬ ግራ ተጋብቶ እነበረከትን በማሳደድ ላይ ይገኛል። በነገራችን ላይ ኢሳት በታቀደና በተደራጀ አኳኋን የበረከትን ስም እያጠፋ መሆኑን ለማሳየት ሁለት ምሳሌዎችን ብቻ መጥቀስ በቂ ነው።
አንደኛው የኢሳት ነጭ ውሸት የሚጀምረው በብ/ጀኔራል መላኩ ሽፈራው የፈጠራ ወሬ አመንጭነትና   በሃብታሙ አያሌውና ምናላቸው ስማቸው አራጋቢነት በረከት ታጋይ ሙሉአለም አበበን እንዲገደል አድርጓል ከሚል ውንጀላው ነው። ኢሳት ያልተረዳው ነገር ግን በረከት ሙሉአለምን  እንደ ልጁ የሚሳሳለት ውድ የትግል ጓዱና የባሌቤቱ እህት ባል የነበረ መሆኑን ነው።  ሁለተኛው ማሳያ ደግሞ የታማኝ ወንድም በሆነው ተወልደ በየነ የተባለ ጋዜጠኛ ነኝ ተብየ ቆርጦ ቀጥል በኩል የሚቀርበው “በረከት ወደ ፌዴራል መንግስት ከመዛወሩ በፊት አማራ ክልል ይሰራ በነበረበት ወቅት የዘር ማጥፋት የሚመስል ስራ ሰርቷል” ብሎ የሚያቀርበው ላም ባልዋለበት ኩበት ለቀማ አይነት ውንጀላው ነው። ላም ባልዋለበት ኩበት ለቀማ አይነት ውንጀላ የሚሆንበት ምክንያት ደግሞ በረከት ከደርግ ውድቀት ጀምሮ አዲስ አበባ እንጅ አማራ ክልል ተመድቦ ያማያቅ በመሆኑ ነው። እንዲያው ተወልደ እንዳለው በረከት አዲስ አበባ ከመግባቱ በፊት አማራ ክልል ነበር እንኳን ቢባል ዘር ማጥፋት የሚመስል ወንጀል መስራቱን የሚያሳይ አንድ ቅንጣት እንኳን ማስረጃ ማቅረብ አይችልም። ከዚህ ስንነሳ ኢሳትና በዙሪያው ያሉ ጋዜጠኛ ተብየዎች ምን ያህል የውሸት ፋብሪካ እንደሆኑና  ሚድያውን ያለተጠያቂነት የጠሉትን ሰው የሚበቀሉበት መሳሪያ አድርገው እየተጠቀሙበት እንደሆነ በቀላሉ መረዳት ይቻላል።
በማጠቃለል ሲታይ የሆነ ሰው ወይም ቡድን በበቀል ወይም የሆነ አይነት ጥቅምን/ትርፍን መሰረት አድርጎ ሌላውን ሰው ወይም ቡድን ለማጥቃት መንቀሳቀሱ በአለም ላይ አዲስ ክስተት ባይሆንም የአዴፓ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች ክፋት፣ የቅጥፈት ውንጀላና የሴራ መንገድ ግን በጣም ጥርሱን አግጥጦ የወጣ ነው። የአዴፓ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች ሴረኛ ባይሆኑ ኖሮ ከአንድ አመት በፊት ከድርጅቱ መልቀቂያ ጠይቆ ከወጣ በኋላ ለምነው እንዲመለስ ያደረጉትን ሰው ማለትም በረከት ፀረ አማራና ሙሰኛ ብለው አይወነጅሉትም ነበር። የሚገርመው ነገር ደግሞ እነዚህ የአዴፓ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች እነበርከትን ለመክሰስ ሲሉ ጥረት ኮርፖሬትን በክልሉ መንግስት ስር ከማድረግ ጀምሮ ሌሎችንም ሁኔታዎች እስከማመቻቸት ደርሰዋል። ወጣም ወረደ ግን  ባብዛኛው እውነት ዘግይታም ቢሆን ራሷን መግለጧ ስለማይቀር በእደለ ቢሶቹ ልጆችና በነበረከት ጉዳይም እውነታው ወጥቶ ማን ጥፋተና ማን አባይ/ቀጣፊ እንደሆነ ለማየት እንበቃ ይሆናል።
ከሁሉ የሚያሳዝነው ግን በረከት በቋንቋ፣ በባህልና በስነልቦና እቆራኘዋለሁ ከሚለውና እድሜ ልኩን አፈር ድሜ ግጦ ከሰራለት አማራ ህዝብ ፀረ አማራና ሙሰኛ ነው በሚል በፈጠራ የተቀነባበረ የሴራና ጎጠኛ የጥቃት ምክንያቶች እንዲገለል (Ostracised) መደረጉ፤ ትግርኛ መናገር የሚችል እንጅ የትግራይ ተወላጅ  አለመሆኑ፣ የኤርትራም ይሁን የሌላ አገር ዜግነት የሌለው መሆኑ፤ ኢትዮጵያዊ መሆኑን ደረቱን ነፍቶ እየተናገረ እያለም በመንግስት በኩል ያንን የሚያሳይ ነገር እየታየ አለመሆኑ ባጠቃላይም መንግስት አልባ ሰው (Stateless Person) ተደርጎ መቆጠሩ ነው። ለዚህ መቶ ዓመት እንኳን ሞልቶ መኖር ለማይቻልበት አለም እንዲህ አይነት የክፋት፣ የሴራና የተንኮል ጥቃት ለመሰንዘር መጣደፍ ደግሞ አሳፋሪ ብቻ ሳይሆን ዘግናኝም ነው።

Tuesday 29 January 2019

የትግራይ ሕዝብ ግዴታ (ፕ/ር ጌታቸው ኃይሌ)

የትግራይ ሕዝብ ሆይ፤

(አቅራቢ፥ ጌታቸው ኃይሌ)

ታሪክ ጸሐፊዎቻችሁና የፖለቲካ መሪዎቻችሁ ከኦነግ ጋር በመሆን በዘመኑ ፖለቲካ ላይ በሚያወጧቸው መግለጫዎች ላይ ታሪክ ሲያዛቡ፥ ምንጮቹ በሚሉት መሠረት ያንን ለማስተካከል (ለማስተማር) የምጽፈውን ስለሚያነቡ አይወዱኝም ብዬ እገምታለሁ። መገመት ብቻ ሳይሆን፥ እንደማይወዱኝ ነግረውኛል። ዳኛው ነፃ አወጣኝ እንጂ፥ አቶ መለስ ዜናዊ፥ “ዘር አጥፊዎች” ብሎ ከከሰሳቸው ንጽሓን ውስጥ አንዱ አድርጎኝ ነበር። የኦነግ ደጋፊዎች የታሪክ መጽሐፌ (የአባ ባሕርይ ድርሰቶች) ከሰው እጅ እንዳይደርሱ ለማድረግ ሞክረዋል። በቀጥታም ደጋግመው ሰድበውኛል፥ አስፈራርተውኛልም። እኔን በመጥላት ረገድ ሕወሐቶች ብቻቸውን አይደሉም፤ ደርጎችም አይወዱኝም ነበር።

ስለዚህ፥ ይኸንን መልእክት የምልክላችሁ በጨለማ እንደሚያነጣጥር ሰው ሆኜ ነው። ሆኖም፥ የጥላቻው ምንጭ ታሪክ እየጠቀስኩ በመናዴፌ ስለሆነ፥ መልክቴን ከሰፊው የትግራይ ሕዝብ እንዳይደርስ አያደናቅፍብኝም የሚል ምኞት አለኝ። የምትናደፍ ንብ ማር ትሰጣለች።

መልእክቴ ባጭሩ እንዲህ የሚል ነው፥ “የኢትዮጵያን አንድነት ለመጠበቅ፥ ዲሞክራሲንና ፍትሕን በኢትዮጵያ ለማስፈን፥ ሕዝቧን ለማበልጸግ፥ ጤናውን ለማስጠበቅ በሚደረገው ዘመቻ ታሪክ የሰጣችሁን የፊታውራሪነት ቦታችሁን በምንም ምክንያት እንዳትለቁ” ነው። ታሪክ የሰጣችሁን ቦታ የምለው የኢትዮጵያ መንግሥት የተጀመረው አክሱም ላይ ስለሆነ ነው። መንግሥት አክሱም ላይ የተጀመረው እንደ ዝናም ከአክሱም ሰማይ ወርዶ፥ ወይም እንደ ማዕድን ከአክሱም ምድር ወጥቶ ሳይሆን፥ አባቶቻችን አክሱማውያን ስለወለዱት ነው። ጠቅላይ ሚንስተሩ ዶክተር ዐቢይ አሕመድ ወርቆች ናችሁ ያሏችሁ፥ የቅዱስ ያሬድን አስተዋፅኦ ያደነቁት፥ የንጉሥ ካሌብን ቅዱስነትና ጀግንነት የነገሩን የሆነውን ታሪክ እየጠቀሱ ነው።

“የፊታውራሪነት ቦታችሁን እንድትይዙ” ሳሳስብ የአስተዳደሩን መሪ ቦታ መያዝንና አለመያዝን ይጨምራል። በምርጫ ብታሸንፉ መሪውን ትይዛላችሁ፤ ባታሸንፉ የዲሞክራሲ መንገድ ጠራጊነትን ትይዛላችሁ። አባቶቻችሁ የፈጠሯትን ሥልጣን በጦር ከመያዝ ታላቅቁናላችሁ።

ባለፉት ጥቂት ወራት ከትግራይ ፖለቲከኞች የሚሰማው፥ “ሕገ መንግሥቱ ይከበር” የሚል ነው። ሕግ ተከብሮ በማይታወቅበት ዘመን ይህ ጥሪ ሲሰማ ቃናው ከምርጥ ሙዚቃ የበለጠ ይጣፍጣል። ሕገ መንግሥቱ እንዲሻሻልና እንዲከበር፥ ኑ እንተባበር። ይህን ጥሪ የማቀርብላችሁ ያስተዳደር መሪው ከእጃችሁ ስለወጣ አለመደሰታችሁ በግልጽ ስለሚታይ ነው። አገር ወዳድ ሕዝብ ብልህ መሪ ይፈልጋል እንጂ፥ እኔ ካልመራሁ ሰርዶ አይብቀል አይልም።

የታሪክን ሂደት ስናየው፥ የተጀመረው ለውጥ ግፋ ቢል ይዘገይ ይሆናል እንጂ፥ መፈጸሙ የማይቀር ነው። ኢትዮጵያ አንድ ቀን ሙሉ ዲሞክራሲ የሰፈነባት አገር ትሆናለች። በምን ዓይነት ትግል አልፋ ዲሞክራሲ እንደሰፈነባት ሂደቱን ታሪክ ይመዘግበዋል። እዚያ ታሪክ ውስጥ የትኛውን አቋም ይዛችሁ፥ የትኛውን ሚና ተጫውታችሁ ትገኙ ይመስላችኋል? “ደርግን የጣሉ ትግሬዎች የዲሞክራሲን መስፈን ተቃውመው ነበር” የሚል ጥቁር አሻራ ካስመዘገባችሁ፥ ልጆቻችሁን መኵሪያ አባቶች ታሳጧቸዋላችሁ።

በግላጭ ለመቀበል ይከብዳችሁ ይሆናል እንጂ፥ ደርግ ከወደቀ በኋላ መቅሠፍት የደረሰብን፥ የሕወሐት አመራር ባህላችንን ባህሉ ከማያደርግ መሪ እጅ ስለገባ ነው። እውነት ብትመርም ለአንዳፍታ ልብ በሉ፤ አመራሩ የትግራይ አካል የሆነችውን ኤርትራን “የኢትዮጵያ ቅኝ ግዛት ነበረች” ብሎ ከጻፈ ሰው እጅ ስለገባ ነው። “የኢትዮጵያ ጠላት አማራውና የኦርቶዶክስ ሃይማኖት ናቸው” ብሎ በሚያምን ሰው እጅ ስለገባ ነው። “ትግሌ የትግራይን ሕዝብ በኢትዮጵያውያን ሁሉ ላይ የበላይ (Tegray über Alles) ለማድረግ ከሚፈልግ መሪ እጅ ስለገባ ነው። “ትግሌ ትግራውያንን በሀብት ረገድ የኢትዮጵያ አይሁድ ለማድረግ ነው” ከሚል መሪ እጅ ስለገባ ነው። ባለ ብዙ ወደብ ኢትዮጵያ ወደብ-አልባ የሆነችው፥ አመራሩ መለስ ዜናዊ እጅ ስለወደቀ ነው። ክልል የሚባል ሥርዓት ፈጥሮ በድምበር የሚያጋድለን፥ “ከገዛ ሀገራችሁ ውጡ” የምንባለው፥ አመራሩ መለስ ዜናዊ እጅ ስለወደቀ ነው።

ከነዚህ ወንጆሎች ውስጥ የማትቀበሉት የትኛውን ነው? ሁሉም ወይም አብዛኛው እውነት ከሆነ፥ በምን ምክንያት ነው የወንጀለኛውን ወንጀል ወንጀላችሁ የምታደርጉት? ይህ ሰው ፍላጎቱን ለመፈጸም በኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ላይ ምን መቅሠፍት እንዳመጣ ተዘርዝሮ አይተናል፤ አይታችኋል። ርግጥ፥ ብቻውን አልፈጸመውም፤ ግን ግብር-አበር መፍጠር ከቻለ፥ የሚቈጠረው ብቻውን እንዳደረገው ነው። “ከምገደል፥ ግደል ያሉኝን ብገድል ይሻለኛል” የሚሉ ብዙ ግብር-አበሮች ከየትናውም ጎሳ/ነገድ አትርፏል።

ዛሬ በይፋ የወጡትን የኢሕአዴግ ወንጀሎች የሠሩት ሁሉም ትግሬዎች አይደሉም። የጌታቸው አሰፋ ምክትል የነበረው ያሬድ ትግሬ አይደለም። ኢሕአዴግ የፈጸመውን ወንጀል ሽንጣቸውን ገትረው ከጋዜጠኞች ጋራ ይከራከሩ ከነበሩት ውስጥ የሌላ ጎሳ ግብር-አበሮች ነበሩባቸው፤ ሁሉም ትግሬዎች ብቻ አልነበሩም። “ከዝንጀሮ ቆንጆ ምን ይመራርጡ” አይሁን እንጂ፥ ፈርተው ወንጀል የፈጸሙና ጥቅም ፈልገው ግብር-አበር የሆኑ አንድ አይደሉም።
በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ በደጉም በክፉውም አማሮችና ትግሬዎች በምንም ጊዜ ተለያይተው አያውቁም። በመሠረቱ የአግዓዝያን “ባህል ተሸካሚዎች” ትግሬዎችና አማሮች ናቸው። በታሪክ አንድነታቸው በአጭር ድርሰት ተዘርዝሮ አያልቅም። ሆኖም፥ ለምሳሌ ያህል፥ አፄ ልብነ ድንግል ከግራኝ ሰይፍ ያመለጠው ደብረ ዳሞ (ትግራይ ውስጥ) ተሸሽጎ ነው። ልጁን አፄ ገላውዴዎስን ቅብዐ ንግሥ ቀብተው ያነገሡት የገዳሙ አበምኔት አቡነ ተርቢኖስ ናቸው።

ድል ሲቀዳጂ ብሥራቱን መጀመሪያ የላከው ለደብረ ዳሞ መነኮሳት ነው፤

አባቴ ተርቢኖስና የደብረ ዳሞ መነኮሳት ሆይ፥ የምሥራች፥ የምሥራች፥ በጸሎታችሁ እግዚአብሔር ለኔና ለመኳንንቴ ጠላትን ማንበርከክንና ሰላምን ሰጥቶኛል። የአባቴን ሰይፍና አምስት ጠባቂዎች ከነቀለባቸው ልኬላችኋለሁ። ከአሁን ጀምሮ ይህ ሰይፍ በአባቴ አስከሬን ትራስ አጠገብ ይቀመጥ።

ፖለቲከኞችና ወገንተኛ ታሪክ ነጋሪዎች ንጉሦቻችንንና የመንፈሳዊ መሪዎቻችንን የጎሳ ወይም የጎጥ ሲያደርጉብን፥ እኛ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ እምቢ ማለት አለብን። አፄ ቴዎድሮስ የቋራ ሰው ቢሆኑም፥ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ንጉሥ ነበሩ። አፄ ዮሐንስ የተምቤን ሰው ቢሆኑም፥ ከነገሡ በኋላ የኔም የተምቤኔው ሰውም ንጉሥ ነበሩ። አቡነ ኤዎስጣቴዎስ፥ አቡነ እስጢፋኖስ፥ አቡነ ተክለ ሃይማኖት የሁላችንም አባቶች ናቸው። “አፄ ዮሐንስ የኛ ናቸው፤ አፄ ምኒልክ የናንተ ናቸው” የሚል አስተሳሰብ አንድነታችንን መካድ ስለሆነ፥ ከትግራይ ተወላጆች አፍ መውጣት የለበትም። አትስሟቸው፤ገሥጿቸው። የኢትዮጵያን የፖለቲካ ሥልጣን የሚመኛት ብዙ ስለሆነ፥ ለማሸነፍ ሁሉም እርዳታ ከተገኘበት ይጠይቁ ነበር። ሥልጣን ለመያዝ በውጪ እርዳታ በመጠቀም ረገድ አንዱ ንጉሥ ከሌላው ንጉሥ የበለጠ ወይም ያነሰ አላደረገም። ይኸንን በታሪክ የተመዘገበ ታሪክ ማወቅ ትልቅ ዐዋቂ አያደርግም። ትልቅ ዐዋቂ መስሎ እውነታውን እያጓደሉ ለሌሎች ማስተማር በሕዝብ መካከል የቂምና የመለያየት መርዝ መርጨት ነው።

“የክልል ሥርዓት ስለአፋጀን፥ ከዛሬ ጀምሮ የትግራይ ሕዝብ ሰርዞታል” የሚል ዓዋጅ አስሰሙን። ያመጣችሁትን አሩጡት። ብዙ ተከታይ ታገኛላችሁ። ክልላችሁ/ክልላችን ሰፊዋ ኢትዮጵያ ነች። ወልቃይት፥ ጸገዴ፥ ጸለምት፥ ጠለምት የአማራ ወይም የትግራይ ብቻ አይደሉም፤ የራሳቸውና የሁላችንም ናቸው። ማንኛውም የኢትዮጵያ ክፍል የማንኛውም ኢትዮጵያዊ ሀገር መሆኑን ሰው ሳይቀድማችሁ ዐውጁልን፤ በመንፈስ ምሩን። ኢትዮጵያ በኢሕአዴግ ዘመን (በትግራይ አመራር) በእድገት ጉልሕ እመርታ ማሳየቷ እንዳይዘነጋ ማድረግ ግዴታችሁ ነው። “ብቅል የገደለውን ብቅል ያነሣዋል።”

(ምንጭ : ሳተናው )

Saturday 19 January 2019

ናይ ኢትዮጵያ ሕዝባዊ ወያናይ ዴሞክራሳዊ ግንባር ( ኢህወደግ)

ካብ ፍስሃ መረሳ

ዝፀንሐ ሽም ክርስትንኡ ጥራሕ ከም ቅርሲ ሒዙ አለኹ ዝብል ዘሎ ውድብ እየ በሃሊ ኢህወደግ ብቡዙሓት ፀገማት ኣብ ዝተኸበበሉን እታ ሃገር ካብ ማንም እዋን ብዝተፈለየ መንገዲ ናብ ዝለዓለ ወጥሪን ምክራርን ስርዓት ኣልበኝነትን  ኣብ ዝኣተወትሉን እዋን እንተስ ነቲ ኩነታት ንግዚኡ'ውን ተኾነ መልክዕ ንምትሓዝ ኢሉ ወይውን ኣለኹ እናበልካ ንምድንጋር ዝዓለመ ኣካይዳ ንምክታል ካብ ዘሎ ድሌት ዝነቀለ ክኸውን ይክእል እቲ ፅንፈኛ ሓይሊ ብዘዳለዎ ኣጀንዳ እቲ ብሂወት ዘየለ ዓርሲ ኢህወደግ ኣኼብኡ ኣካይዱስ ናይቲ ዝነበረ ምይይጥ ደምዳሚ መግለፂ ኣቅሪቡ ኣኸብኡ ከምዝወደአ ከም ወትሩ ብዝተፈላለዩ መራኸቢ ማዕኸናት ሰሚዕናዮ ኢና ፡፡ 

ብብዙሓት ወገናት እዚ ናይ ሐዚ ኣኸባ ጊዜ ካብ ምብላዕ ሓሊፉ ትርጉም ኣይህልዎን ተባሉ ካብ መጀመሪኡ ዝተገመተ ትርጉም ኣልባ ዋዕላ  ከምቲ ዝተገመቶ ነቲ ኣብዛ ሃገር ኣብ ዝሐዚ እዋን ተፈጢሩ ዘሎ ፖለቲካዊ ቅልውላው መንሲኢኡን መፍትሒኡን እንተየቀመጠ /ከቅምጥ እውን ብቅዓትን ዓቅምን ስለዘይብሉ/ ብሓደ ገፅ እቲ ተለመደ ስብከትን ለውጢ ኣምፂእና ኢና ዝብል ናይ ቃላት ድግግሞሽ ዝበዝሖን ንኹሉ ሰማዒ ዘሰልቸወ መዝሙርን ዘቅረበ እንትኸውን ብቲ ካሊእ ገፅ ግን እቲ ዝነበረ ፈኸራን ጃህራን ከምዘየዋፅኦ ሐዚ ቁሩብ ዝተረደኦ ይመስል ንግዚኡ'ውን እንተኾነ ነገራት ካብ ምክራር ተቆጢቡ ናይ ንተሓጋገዝ ፀገማት ሓቢርና ንፍተሓዮም  ዝብል ምሕፅንታን ልመናን ዝተሓወሶ ናይ ስብከት ቃላት ዝበዝሖ ካብ ውሽጣዊ እምነቱ ዘይነቀለ ዝተለሳለሰ ዝመስል ጀርጓንን ነቲ ሃገራዊ ፖለቲካዊ ኩነታት ዘይምጥን መግለፂ ምውፅኡ ንገሊኡ ተስፋ ዘቁርፅ ኮይኑ ኣሎ ፡፡ 

እቲ ስልቲ ታይ እዩ ?
 ንኢህወደግ ቀቲሉ ናብ ስልጣን ዝመፀ ብልሙድ ቲም ለማ እናተብሃለ ዝፅዋዕ ፅንፈኛ ሓይሊ ካብ መጀመሪኡ ከምዝፍለጥ ኢህወደግ ዝመርሖ መንግስቲ ቀስ ብቀስ ብምፍራስ ተተሳኺዕሉ ንዑ ዝምችዎ ፅግዕተኛ ስርዓት ኣብ ሓፂር ጊዜ ክተክል እዩ እቲ ቀንዲ ዕላምኡነይሩን ሐዝውን ዘሎን ፡፡ እዙይ ንምስኻዕ'ውን ካብታ ስልጣን ዝሓዘላ ዕለት ጀሚሩ ብሕቡእን ብግልፅን ናይ ባዕሉ መፈፀሚ ስልትን ስትራቴጂን ሓንፂፁ ብናይ ደገ ሓይልታት ቀጥተኛ ድጋፍን ኣመራርሓን  እናተሓገዘ ነቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ 27 ዓመታት ዝተተኸለ ዴሞክራስያዊን ፌዴራላዊን ስርዓት ሙሉአ ንሙሉእ ኣፍሪስካ ብኻሊእ ንዑ ብዝጥዕሞ ስርዓት ንምቅያር ለይትን ቀትርን ብዘይዕረፍቲ ሰሪሑ እዩ ፡፡ ሐዝውን  ኣብ ምስራሕ ይርከብ ፡፡ 

ከም ድልየቱ ኩሉ ነገር ኣብ ሓፂር እዋን ወጋጊኑ ንዑ ዝምችዎ ፖለቲካዊ ስርዓት ብምትካል ንሱ ሰጥ ለበጥ ኣቢሉ ዘመሓድራ ኢትዮጵያ ምፍጣር እዩ ፡፡ ኮይኑ ግና ኣብዛ ሃገር ንነዊሕ እዋን ዝተሃነፀ ሕገመንግስታዊ ስርዓት ብተነፃፃሪ እንትረአ ኣብ ፅኑዕ መስረት ዝተነፀፈ ስለዝነበረን እቲ ሐዚ ዘሎ ኣካይዳ ንህዝቢ እዛ ሃገር ዘይጠቅም ብምኻኑን ህወሓት ዝመርሖ ወያናይ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ሓይሊ ከዓ ነቲ ዝግበር ዘሎ ፀረ ሕገመንግስቲ ኣካይዳ ብትረት ይምክቶን ይቃለሶን ስለዘሎን በቲ ዝደለዮ ክሳኸዐሉ ኣይከኣለን ጥራሕ ዘይኮነስ ብኣንፃሩ ንሱ ብዘይገመቶን ብዘይተዳለወሉን መንገዲ ፀሪኡ ዝኾነ ምንቅስቃስ ዝተፈጠረሉ ኩነታት ስለዘሎ ካብዚ ወጥሪ እዙይ ንምድሓን ክብል ሐዚ ደላይ ሰላም ንክመስል ናይ ሰላምዶ ናይ ዕርቅዶ ዝብል ጭርጮ ሒዙ  ሸበድበድ እንትብል ይረአ ኣሎ ፡፡ በዚ መሰረት ካብቲ ሐዚ ዝወፀ መግለፂ ምግንዛብ ከምዝከኣል ሓድ ሓደ መለሳለሲ አጀንዳ ብምሓዝ  ብሽም እቲ ውድብ እዙይ ተወሲኑ ኣሎ ፡፡  ኣባላት እቲ ግምባር ንባዕሎም ኣብ ዝለዓለ ምክራርን ምፍጣጥን  እናሃለው እቲ ሽግር ብምሽፋን ንህዝቢ ንምትላል ክብል ኩልና ሐደ ኢና ተስማዕሚዕና ኢና ወፂና  እናበልካ ጊዜ እናሸመትካ ዕድመኻ ንምንዋሕ ዝዓለመ ሓዱሽ ስልቲ ሓንፂፁ ተኮይንሉስያ ዕድመ ስልጣኑ ንምንዋሕ ሃተውተው  ምባል ጀሚሩ ኣሎ ፡፡

ብኻሊእ ገፅ እዚ ኣብ ስልጣን ዘሎ ሓይሊ ብመሰረቱ በቲ ዝኽተሎ ዘሎ መንገዲ ሰላም ዴሞክራሲ ልምዓትን ከምፅእ ስለዘይኽእል ብዙሓት ነገራት በቲ ኣብ መጀመሪያ ስልጣን ምስ ሓዘ ክገብሮ እየ ዝበሎን ክገብር ስለይከኣለን  እቲ ህዝቢ በቢእዋኑ ዘልዕሎም ናይ ሰላምን ሰናይ ምምሕዳርን ሕቶታት ብቅጥዑ ተረዲኡ ካብ ተራ ስብከት ዝሓለፈ ኣብ ባይታ እትነጥብ ንህዝቢ እትጠቅም ጭብጥቲ መፍትሒ ከምፅእ ስለዘይኽእልን በቢኸባቢኡ ናይ ህዝቢ ሕቶታት እናሓየለ ብፍላይ ሐዚ ሐዚ ንሱ ኣብ ሙሉእ ንሙሉእ ተቆፃፂረዮ እየ  ናተይ ድሕርቤት እዩ ኢሉ ኣብ ዝተኣማመነለን ዝነበረ ክልላት ከተይተረፈ ብዝተወደበን ዘይተወደበን መንገዲ ፀሪኡ ተቃውሞታት እናተበራኸት ስለዝመፀ ኣብ ዓብይ ስግኣት ወዲቁ ስለዘሎ ካብዚ ጭንቀት እዙይ ንምግልጋል ክብል ዘቀራርቡ ዝመስሉ ማእኸሉ ሕጊ ክነኽብር ኢና ህዝቢ ሓግዘና ዝብል ምሕፅንታን ልመናን ብቀንዱ እቲ ሐዚ ዘሎ ኣብ ገሊኡ ተፈጢሩ ዘሎ ባርዕ ነግ ነግ ስለዘበሎ ካብዙይ ንግዚኡ'ውን እንተኾነ ንምህዳም ክብል ኣካኪ ዘራፍ ዝሕዘኒ የለን ኢሉ ንሱ ብዝቆፃፀረን ሚድያ ተይተረፈ ዝግዕር ዝነበረ ሎሚ ግና ንመደናገሪ ዝኾኑ ቃላት ኮሓሒሉ ከቅርብ ዝተገደደሉ ኩነታት ከምዘሎን እዩ ካብቲ መግለፂ ምርዳእ ዝከኣል ፡፡
ዘይሩ ዘይሩ እዚ ፅግተኛ ሓይሊ እዙይ ብኹሉ ገፅ እንትረአ ግና እታ ዕላምኡ በቃ ሐዝውን  ሓንቲ እያ ፡፡ እቲ ሐዚ ገጢምዎ ዘሎ በቢኩርንዑ ሰፊሕ ናይ ህዝቢ ተቃውሞ ብሓይልን ብፀረ ዴሞክራሲን ኣካይዳ ክኣልዩ ስለዘይከኣለ /ክኣልዮውን ስለዝይክእል/ ንጊዚኡ እቲ ዝነበረ ፈተኻ ፀላእኻ ተደመር ተዘየለ ትጠፍእ ኢኻ ዝብል ኣካይድኡ ኣፅኒሑ እቲ ኩነታት ክሳዕ ዝምችወሉ ጊዜ ንምሽማት ዘኽእሉ ስልቲ ሓንፂፁ እዩ ኣብዚ ናይ ሐዚ ኣኸብኡ ወፅዩ ዘሎ ፡፡  በዙይ ኣንፃር ዝዋጠየ ይዋጢ ኣብ ጠቅላላ ባህሪኡን ቁመንኡን መሰረታዊ ለውጢ ከምፅእ ስለይክእክል/ባህሪኡእውን ስለዘይፈቅደሉ/ ብፍላይ ወያናይ ዴሞክራሰያዊ ሓይሊ ንደቂቃ’ውን ተኮነት ከይተዘናግዐ በቲ ዝጀመሮ ቃልሲ ኣበርቲዑን  ኣጠናኪሩን ክቅፅሉን እዚ ፅንፈኛ ሓይሊ ኣብ መወዳእታ ፈቲዩ ዘይኮነስ ብናይ ህዝቢ ቃልሲ ተሳዒሩ ነቲ ሕገመንግስታዊ ስርዓት ኣኽቢሩ ክከይድ ተዘይኮይኑ ግና ተቃሊዑ ሙሉእ ንሙሉእ ክፅረግ ካብ ምግባር ወፃኢ ካሊእ መማረፂ ከምዘየለ ተረዲእኻ ምንቅስቃስ ይሓትት ፡፡ 


Wednesday 16 January 2019

Why did TPLF-EPRDF give away Mereb Melash (መረብ ምላሽ ) to Eritrea ?

TPLF-EPRDF have back stabbed Tigray and Ethiopia to say the least. They were instrumental in land locking Ethiopia by giving away Mereb Melash (መረብ ምላሽ ) to Eritrea. The Tigray people, who are the victims. are silent about loosing the ports of Massawa and Assab to Eritrea. This is betraying King Yohannes and the Aksumite Legacy. The Tigrean elites oppose the Amhara day and night. They claim Raya and Wolqait to be part of Tigray  as if this is more important than the Red Sea ports of Massawa and Assab. Raya and Wolqait are part of Tigray and have been part of Tigray. However, The Red Sea is part of Tigrayan (Ethiopian) history, it is the cradle of Aksumite Civilisation. TPLF-EPRDF seems more interested in expandimg the ports in Somaliland and Sudan, which have less historical and cultural relation to Tigray and Amhara people.Building or using ports in South Ethiopia is not in the strategic interest of  Tigray and Amhara people.

In the Wuchale Treaty which was signed by Menelik II and Italy in 1890, Eritrea was defined as the area north of the Mereb River, in fact a straight  line from East to West across Segeneiti, Asmara and Arafali is the boundary between Ethiopia and Italy's colony, called Eritrea in 1890. Italy after 1890 has been illegally occupying the lands that belong to Ethiopia and included the South Merab area as part of it's territory

"Treaty of Wuchale (or, Treaty of Ucciale; in Italian, Trattato di Uccialli) was a treaty signed by King Menelik II of Shewa, later the Emperor of Ethiopia with Count Pietro Antonelli of Italy in the town of Wuchale, Ethiopia, on 2 May 1889. The treaty stated that the regions of Bogos, Hamasien, Akkele Guzay, and Serae were part of the Italian colony of Eritrea and is the origin of the Italian colony and modern state of Eritrea. Per the Treaty, Italy promised financial assistance and military supplies.
The contents of Article 3 of the treaty state the following: [1]
Art. 3. To remove any ambiguity about the limits of the territories over which the two Contracting Parties shall exercise the rights of sovereignty, a special committee composed of two Italian delegates and two Ethiopians will trace on the ground with appropriate signs a permanent boundary line whose benchmarks are established as follows:
a) The line of the plateau will mark the Italian-Ethiopian border;
b) Starting from the region Arafali, Halai, Saganeiti and Asmara are villages in the Italian border;
c) Adi Adi Nefas and Joannes will be on the side of Bogos in the Italian border;
d) From Adi Joannes a straight line extended from east to west will mark the border between Italy and Ethiopia." (Credit: Wikipedia)

According to Wuchale Treaty, the boundary between  Ethiopia and Eritrea should be as the shown in the above map.

In fact, Tigray Regional State could have benefited much , had TPLF not given away The South Mereb area to Eritrea. Tigray, Wollo and Afar provinces or regions could have had their own ports. Assab could have been a federal port. It is a shame Meles Zenawi fooled the Ethiopian people, specially Tigray people by spreading the false information about the need to have a port or ports. The port or a sea coastal area is not only advantagous for tansport. It has many benefits to the people who own it depending on how they exploit their resources from the sea. A sea coast could be used as a resort for internal and external tourism. Besides there are marine resources as fish and other  which could be used by the local population to support themselves as direct consumption or generating income from export of fish. Ethiopia could have employed tens of thousands of people in fish export alone. This is a branch that could develop to a mega million company or a billion company as the population growth in Ethiopia is increasing.. The other important branch of industry is sea transport. Ethiopians could travel by sea to other countries of Arabia, Persia, Yemen, Europe for business or pleasure . Ethiopian shipping lines could have been a company with high turnover. Last but not least is having a naval force, which could employ  tens of thousands of Ethiopians.

TPLF was dominated by Eritreans. The likes of Meles Zenawi are tribalists and neocolonial slaves. Communists  stand for the political and economic benefits of  larger populations. If Meles Zenawi was a marxist-leninst or a Stalinist as some assert, he would not give away Eritrea to Egypt. Meles Zenawi should not have given away The South Mereb area to Eritrea as it belonged to Ethiopia as the Treaty of Wuchale between Ethiopia and Italy illustrates. Meles Zenawi could not understand the essence of Marxism or Albanian Communism. Marxism-Leninism is very complicated to grasp and apply if one does not have the necessary cultural and educational background. Meles Zenawi and most of his comrades were college drop outs. They joined an armed struggle out of ethnic grievances and not for the cause of Ethiopia and her people. Little knowledge is dangerous, so was Meles Zenawi and his TPLF policy of landlocking Ethiopia, which is  not acceptable to Ethiopia and friends of Ethiopia.

We say Ethiopia should not be landlocked because the Red Sea has been part of Ethiopia for thousands of years. The Aksumite Kingdom, which is a legacy of all Ethiopians, expanded to Yemen and South Arabia through the Red Sea. Adulis used to be the main port of The Aksumite Kingdom. But there were also other ports that were used by Ethiopians during the time of The Aksumite Kingdom. Judaism, Christianity and Islam came to Ethiopia through The Red Sea. The Red Sea was the main trading route for Ethiopia. Christopher Da Gama and his army joined Ethiopia's war against Ottoman Turks by transversing The Red Sea Ports of Massawa and Assab. Thus The Red Sea has been part of Ethiopia. It is unjust to landlock Ethiopia, taking away all her territories bordering the Red Sea. Ethiopia does not need Eritrea. Eritrea was a colony of Italy and uniting Eritrea with Ethiopia is wrong. However, The Wuchale Treaty should be the foundation to delimit the international boundary between Ethiopia and Eritrea, according to which The South Mereb Region should be under Ethiopia.

It is a shame that TPLF-EPRDF is not actively informing the people of Tigray and other Ethiopians about the Wuchale Treaty and the boundary between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Eritrea has been controlling the South Mereb Region since it's secession from Ethiopia in 1993. Ethiopia is technically landlocked but not according to International Law. It is necessary for Ethiopian patriots to demand the return of The South Mereb Region to Ethiopia. We should wage a campaign to get Ethiopia Sea Coast back to our people. The current situation is dangerous for Eritrea as Eritrea is occupying by force sovereign land of Ethiopia. Eritrea's divide and weaken policy against Ethiopia might have some effect in maintaining the status quo.In the long term, Ethiopia will have to reclaim the South Mereb Region. Eritrea may be forced to pay compensation as it has been using land that belongs to Ethiopia.

TPLF has been the main problem in getting Ethiopia a sea outlet. TPLF is infiltrated by Eritreans. Meles Zenawi, Sebhat Nega, Kidusan Nega, Tewedros Hago, Netsanet Assefaw etc are Eritreans with anti-Tigray and anti-Ethiopia positions. Bereket Simon and other Eritreans were also instrumental in land locking Ethiopia on false historical and political evidences. Both Ethiopia and Eritrea should have been getting part of The Red Sea coastal area. Unfortunately Meles Zenawi and his comrades opposed the idea of getting Eritrea and Ethiopia parts of The Red Sea coast.EPRDF in general was dominated by TPLF  in issues of policy. Amhara People's Democratic Movement(ANDM) and Oromo People's Democratic Organisation (OPDO) were practically stooges of TPLF and have followed policies TPLF approved. Thus TPLF remains the sole responsible organisation to  land lock Ethiopia.

The political landscape in the Horn of Africa is changing swiftly. Saudai Arabia and UAE are grooming Ethiopia and Eritrea to join their war against Iran and Yemen. Eritrea has been supporting Saudi Arabia and UAE. Ethiopia should maintain it's neurality as a seat of African Union and should not support UAE and Saudi Arabia. Ethiopia needs to control The Red Sea area to maintain it's own peace and the peace of other friendly countries. Ethiopia needs to claim The South Mereb Region. Italy and Ethiopia could negotiate where the boundary between Ethiopia and Eritrea should be. If Eritrea wants a friendly neighbour, it should agree to the terms of The Wuchale Treaty of 1888. Otherwise Ethiopians would challenge Eritrea's controversial referendumfor secession from Ethiopia as there was an active involvement of Egypt. Ethiopia may decalre war on Eritrea if Eritrea refuses to respect the terms and consditions of The Wuchale Treaty.

TPLF should revisit it's position on Eritrea and reclaim The South Mereb Region.TPLF should expel all it's members with Eritrean background for reason's of national security of Ethiopia and friends of Ethiopia. TPLF may be forced to disband itself by Ethiopian patriots because of it's clandestine support to Eritrea in land locking Ethiopia.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Is there corruption in Ethiopia's Metal and Engineering Corporation (METEC)?

Ethiopia has been in upheaval for the last 4 years. It all started with a well organised opposition to The Addis Ababa Master Plan, a city plan which tried to modernise the capital city incorporating neighbouring zones under the Oromo Regional State. It was planned to make Addis Ababa the world's largest metropolis with trains and condominiums catering Ethiopians living in the city. Unfortunately power hungry individuals like The Lemma Mergessa Team and the current self-appointed prime minister were used by USA and The Western Countries to sabotage such noble plans of the government and people of Ethiopia.

The supporters of Lemma Mergessa and Abiy Ahmed, The Oromo Youth or Qerros were burning factories, destroying public vehicles, blocking roads, threatening the police and unarmed civilians etc demanding the government  stop the Addis Master Plan. The Qerros and their leaders, Abiy Ahmed and Lemma Mergessa were shooting at civil servants and were waging a propoganda campaign that The Addis Master Plan was robbing Oromo farmer their lands and Oromo lands were beingconfiscated by the government in power.The Amhara Youth, in the north West, were also destroying factories and killing the police officers. They were demanding democracy, as if democracy stands against development. It was stupid to burn factories and destroy public vehicles. A propaganda machine, ESAT, fully organised by Egypt and it's running dog Eritrea was misinforming the Ethiopian people. Voice of America (VOA), Deutsche Welle (Voice of Germany) - DW, Ze Habesha (ዘ ቆሻሻ ) etc waged a heinous propaganda against EPRDF led government. Amhara tribalists in USA were confronting Ethiopian diplomats in the streets of Washington, New York and other major US cities, threatening them physically. The propaganda machine involved a Nigerian lady broadcaster and a group of West African  lawyers came to the forefront  critising Ethiopia under EPRDF and were verbally aggressive against EPRDF led Ethiopa. This was organised by CIA or the German spy agencies with willing Ethiopian and African sell outs.

On 2nd April 2018, Abiy Ahmed took power in a clandestine way. EPRDF leaders were threatened and had to give power to a person, whom the party did NOT know that he was the enemy within. USA supported Abiy Ahmed to take the reins of power in Addis Ababa. Prisoners were immediately released. Some of the prisoners have killed innocent citizens. Andargatchew Tsige, a British was released even though he was responsible for organising armed groups to kill Ethiopian soldiers and supporters of the ruling party in Ethiopia. Some Muslim fundamentalists who were supporters of ISIS were released. This was actively supported by USA and The West. It transpired that TPLF-EPRDF leaders were begging The White House and their satellites in the West such asThe British Government  to stop intervening in Ethiopia's internal affairs. Herman Cohen, the former United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs  insulted TPLF-EPRDF as a cleptocratic and minority government contrary to what the facts showed. Leading politicians from TPLF, the main coalition partner in EPRDF were in USA soliciting for support of The White House. The US Government clearly took stand against constitutionally elected government of Ethiopia and was supporting Abiy Ahmed and Lemma Mergessa, who took power through a well organised coup, that took  4 years to accomplish

In the Morning of July 26, 2018 Engineer Semegnew Bekele, CEO of The Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, was found dead in his car at Mesqel Square in Addis Ababa.

Image result for semegnew bekele
Engineer Semegnew Bekele, ex-CEO, The Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, assassinated on 26th July 2018, at Meskel Square, Addis Ababa

The government led by Mr. Abiy reported that Engoneer Semegnewe Bekele committed suicide.The Ethiopian people should hire a competent private detective to find how Semegnew Bekele was assassinated or killed. Which way it goes, the government of Abiy Ahmed is responsible for the death of Semgnew Bekele. The self-appointed prime minister reported that the work on The Great Renaissance Dam (GERD) was to slow down. GERD was to start producing electricity by the end of 2018 in four turbines, the electromechanical installation of which was managed by METEC

METEC, Metals and Engineering Corporation, Ethiopia's Industrial Military Complex and Salini Impregilo, an Italian Dam Construction Company were the main companies responsible for the completion of GERD. After Abiye Ahmed took power, Salini Impregilo's contract was cancelled. It was reported that Salini Impregilo was paid £300 million as compensation.

METEC, Metals and Engineering Corporation was declared as incompetent and bankrupt shortly after the death of Engineer Semegew Bekele. Abiy Ahmed appointed a new CEO, who later resigned.
The former CEO, METEC, General Kinfe Dagnew was arrested on reasons of high profiled corruption and graft. He was flown from Humera, West Tigray on a Helicopter to Addis Abeba, chained as a criminal. To Kinfe Dagew and Tigray people in general such measures do not demoralise them. It was clear this was a political show process the solution lay in the political struggle of the people of Tigray to fight injustice in whatever form it appeared. It meant a declaration of war on Tigray people in the name of fighting corruption. Kinfe Dagnew's humiliation went through every family in Tigray.  Tigrayan or non-Tigrayan  authorities in METEC were not involved in corruption. They were motivated by the idea of industrialising Ethiopia. If their main goal was to enrich themselves, they would not be in Ethiopia by now. They would run away with the money and settle in foreign countries.

Image result for kinfe dagnew
 General Kinfe Dagnew, ex-CEO, Metal and Engineering Corporation, now in prison

METEC had a clear account of it's expenditures and incomes. METEC was a military industrial  conglomerate and was already exporting military armaments to some countries. The African Peace Keeping force in Somalia purchases tanks and other armaments from METEC. METEC assembled city buses to Addis Ababa, amounting  to hundreds of millions dollar contract. Above all, METEC was involved in providing the materials necessary to build the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam or The Nile Dam. This is a great engineering work and METEC started from a scratch. METEC grew to one of Africa's largest conglomerates and was also interested in international contracts. It could have provided material necessary for the construction of dams in Southern Africa.

Unfortunately METEC is being attacked by the new prime minister of Ethiopia as being inefficient and corrupt. General Kinfe Dagnew and others are imprisoned. Neither Kinfe Dagnew nor any of  the charged were involved in any crime that justified their arrest. There might have been some petty financial mismanagement, but most of the projects were running properly and as an industrial military complex, METEC should not offer bids. METEC should have had free access to foreign currency and most of it's business were run in a secretive way as the business was related to some issues of national security. For example, the construction of nuclear facilities would be kept as secret and the projects would not be tendered.  The manufacturing of fighter jets or small planes would be kept secret. The accusations coming from The General Attorney are naive and treasonous. The General Attorney  should  have NOT expected to publicise the national secret plans to empower Ethiopia with military armaments. METEC was entrusted by the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.

The accusations against METEC are baseless. The arresst of General Kinfe Dagnew is wrong as Kinfe Dagnew was not corrupt. Under his leadership, METEC became a global company. Kinfe Dagew was a revolutionary and a guerrilla fighter in TPLF( Tigray Pople's Liberation Front). He was hand-picked by Meles Zenawi to transform Ethiopia's military industrial complex. Kinfe Dagnew has achieved what Ethiopia was dreaming, a capable industrial military complex, which METEC is now. Arresting Kinfe Dagnew is entirely wrong. Industrialists and patriots as Kinfe Dagnew should be protected and thanked for the pioneering endeavours . The accusations of corruption and graft against METEC CEO and other managers  are political and not factual as the statements of The Attorney General show.

Ethiopia's government should release immediately Kinfe Dagnew  and others who are imprisoned for allegations of corruption in METEC. METEC has in fact pushed  Ethiopia to be one of the leading nations in industry. METEC has saved enormous amount of hard currency. We call the government to stop reducing METEC a worthless company by appointing persons with no knowledge or vision  of what METEC stands for.

We call Ethiopian patriots to oppose the government in Addis Ababa for arresting General Kinfe Dagnew and others in relation to allegation of corruption in METEC, which is not the case as statements of The Attorney General clearly show. We call the Ethiopian public to investigate the circumstances Engineer Semgew was assassinated. This is not necessarily to say Abiy Ahmed was directly involved. Egypt and Eritrea could be behind the assassination of Semgnew Bekele. Ethiopia should stand for Semgew Bekele. We should not forget Semgnew because it is betraying Ethiopia if we allow innocent citizens who have been working in good faith for the best of their country to be killed or assassinated at some point in their life. Such assassinations were committed by King Haile Selassie on Ethiopian patriots who were fighting against Italy in 1935-1941. Haile Selassie killed most of the patriots or made them suffer by denying them housing, land or financial support from the state. Belai Zeleke, an Amhara patriot and hero from Gojamme  was hanged in a public place by the order of Haile Selassie.

The need for organized resistance in Ethiopia, By Dr. Yohannes Aberra Ayele

“Organized and experienced people are more potent than artillery” Dr. Debretsion

At this time of political insanity it is the cool-headed leaders who are critically needed. When a mad man comes running towards you and you also run towards him with equal fury the logical result is you both clash and die or be injured. What the sane person should do is to keep calm, use his brain, and think of a method to subdue the mad man without hurting himself.
I really admire the patience and wisdom by which Dr. Debretsion is handling the political "hot-potato". What he needs most to succeed in this is the full cooperation of the people of Tigray including opposition politicians. Tigray is in a situation it has never experienced before. The litmus test for being a Tigrean in any walk of life and in any part of the world is to help Tigray pass through the bad days with dignity.

As Dr. Debretsion rightly put it the most critical possession any nation can have is its people. Why did Germany and Japan rise so soon from the ashes of bombardment by so many superpowers? Everything was in ruins except their most important resource their people! Then within a few years both became economic and technological superpowers.

While adequately but quietly preparing for any eventuality the people of Tigray must noisily engage in economic development which is insurance for future security. Being politically strong without being economically strong is like being a balloon; single prick of a pin can blow it into tiny pieces. Being economically strong will make you politically strong without working hard for it. It does not matter how many you are. Many of the most prosperous, as a result, feared and respected nations of the world have small population sizes. In hindsight, it was really unwise to think that the political power of TPLF would endure long enough by the enrichment of a few while millions of Tigreans still remained poor. I don't mean Tigreans have to be economically strong so that they can rule Ethiopia. NO! This is not the intention that 60,000 Tigreans perished for. The intension was to help Ethiopian nations and nationalities to rule themselves. What I am trying to say is if Tigray has had economic strength every political charlatan wouldn't have salivated on the face of its people. Why do we think the entire Spain is very busy preventing Catalonia-Barcelona from separating while many are expressing their happiness to see Tigray go? Catalonia though small in size is an economic powerhouse of Spain. The latter cannot afford to lose it. In Ethiopia, added to the senseless hatred, Tigray's minimal economic contribution to the National GDP seems to have become a convenient soft weapon to torment the people Tigray. Many take the pleasure to say "We don't need to invade them; continue to harass them in every direction and by every means, and then they will separate. If they do they will perish on their own". 

Putin the Great did not start challenging the economically and militarily superior west as soon as he came to power. He had to provide enough bread for the disgraced Russians. He knew that it was the West that tricked Soviet leaders into disintegration and poverty. He also knew that he will have ample time in the future to shame the West by bringing up Russia into economic and technological prominence. That is what he accomplished already. Now Russia has become a formidable superpower under Vladimir Putin. How did Putin achieve this? By building strong fortresses to defend Russia; at the same time building mammoth economic and technological capacity behind the fortresses. I am full of hope that Dr. Debretsion will be the "Putin of Tigray".

አ ፖ (AP) notes:

We should be very careful to find the right tactic and method to deal with the situation in Ethiopia. We should appoint the right persons to hold responsibility. Abiy Ahmed or Lemma Mergessa are the least suitable to lead Ethiopia. The Dergists are unifiers but they lack the basic principles of democracy. Woyane is too much immersed in Ethnic Federalism, which is no federalism at all. Besides EPRDF, its radical wing, TPLF has facilitated the secession of Eritrea from Tigray-Ethiopia. Eritrea was forced to secede from Ethiopia to fulfill the ambitions of Egypt and Arabs to control the Red Sea and by extension the Nile. We should look to what happened to our people in the last 50 years. Ethiopia was backstabbed by Arabs, Europeans and USA. We should regain our Red Sea ports. The Hewit Treaty garauntees the Red Sea port of Massawa to Tigray Ethiopia. Menelik's Mereb Melash (መረብ ምላሽ) garauntees Assab to Raya Azebo or Wollo Ethiopia. As to the people of Eritrea, they can decide to federate with Ethiopia or continue to have their own country. Ethiopia without the Red Sea is impossible. Aksumite Kingdom is Ethiopian proper. Christianity and Islam came to Ethiopia through the Red Sea. Ethiopia should at least control the South Mereb Region. Ethiopia would shape and model the politics of the Red Sea by having a strong and modern navy.

Loosing what you have while looking for more! By Tadis Aregay

From the 1st to the 7th century AD the forefathers of the Tigrian people (Endubis-  270AD, Aphilad, Wazeba, Ousanas - 320, Ezana 360, Mehadeyis, Eon-400AD,  Evans, Nexool, Ousas-500, Kaleb -520,  Alla Amidas - 540) were organized and talented enough to mint coins, build ships and obelisks. They were also literate in many languages including their own. In one of the inscription Ezana left behind, the chauvinists would have love destroyed,  it reads “I Ezana king of kings of Aksum, Damot, Nubia, Moreo, Saba, Beja, Salhen, Himyar, Dhu-Raydan; the unvanquished ruler. ...By this Cross you will conquer...”. Further, Ezana’s brothers Saizsnana and Hadefa were sent to quell an uprising and control the Nubia and Beja regions.  Upon mission accomplished they relocated the remaining sixth Beja tribes numbering 4400 to Metlia near present day Begemedir. 

The Aksumite rule of Nubia, Meroe, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Northern Somalia and Djibouti would not have been visible if Welkiat Tsegedey was not part of their empire, unless the present day Nefteghas would want to believe that the Aksumite had umpteen squadrons of warplanes that they manned and dropped the payloads to submission of the region..That said, to claim the Welkait Tsegedey has never been and still is not part of Tigray is just like a burglar claiming the property he stole were his and his alone to begin with. የሌባ ደረቅ ዓይን ኣውጣ: ስው ባቓቓመ መሬት የኔ ነው ብሎ ድርቅ:: But one ought not be surprised if one sees and hears the Neftenaghs would go a long way  to spin, fabricate and lie in the hope that they would hoodwink the unsuspecting innocent people.

Imagine, a person called Colonel Berkele Zewde and the cabals behind him paraded in public applauding his claim to be an Amhara by birth. I mean anyone can be anybody he wants For that matter he can be a the anthropist, and claimed as he did that his acquired ethnicity (Amharas) are the one of the only 46 tribes known to God as mentioned in a Divine text, The rest of humanity is under the washing sink. Likewise, he could be riding high under the spell of Zoabthropy and one day he could claim to be a donkey and another day a dog. That sad as it may be but it is his inalienable right to exercise.  But what he cannot claim and speak in the name of the Welkait Tsegedey as Amharas when it has not pronounced by the people themselves. Colonel Demeke has no right to do so. Even his father registered his opposition to what his son claimed. If one prostrates and appears to fight for a cause that does not hold water, sooner or later it will fall apart. How could sane people in the name Amhara follow such a gonzo furphies in their name by a delusional person?

It is not only Colonel Demeke who is suffering from metanoia; you have also the MP and Isaias of Eritrea, These are people leading nations but mythomanes that they are, they promise one thing and do the antinome of what they promised. They close borders at one end and open another at another end in complete contradictions to the reasons given as justifications to close in the first place. Isaias’s state of mind has been a suspect for sometime; it is the new one that is a sad case. That said, you may not blame for his actions.  The PM appears to have his legs landing on two different ledges but not in goldilocks, more inclined to the one that prophesied   power and comfort. And as foretold, thus far it has been relatively easy for him to get whatever he wanted. He might have thought, he could get away doing more reckless things in the name of the people banking he had one leg in one heritage and the other somewhere else as an insurance policy to support his actions.

There is no point appealing to or requesting for him to change his course of actions. ኣውቆ የተኛ ብቀስቁሱት ኣይነሳም He is in company of destructive elements and he is fully scienter of what is taking place. In fact he seems he is enjoying causing Jimjams and heebie-jeebies on those who fears the worse is to come.  He appears to want to revive the feduo-colonial empire Menelik had set up initially and mainly with the help of the Italians and later by Haileselassie with the British support (when the help crashed the first Weyane). I am fully aware of the Western definition of colonialism: the need for captive market to dump industrial products economies of scale has produced and secure raw materials all the same for the insatiable factories operating round the clock that led to mass productions.  The  advent of Italians and the Whichalle  treaty signed  created the necessary conditions on top of providing  the  financial and military assets needed  to turn the rest of Ethiopia to be a colonial and vassal states of Menelik, the warlord, who could not  on his own merits managed to have had  succeeded to achieve - a complete tread  of the none Amhara nationalities under his feet,   neither  Tewdrows nor Yohannes were able to accomplish. Twedros and Yonannes had to negotiate and compromise with different would be war Lords of the Era of the Warlords ዘመነ መሳፍንት . The Neftenaghs like the white supremacist would never clear wash their hands and their minds from the guilt and past sins, no matter how low they prostrate. In fact whenever possible they feel comfortable to perpetuate the system that gave rise for them the upper hand in life they would never have got on their own merits.  The rest of Ethiopia was compelled to learn their language at an early age and throughout the adolescent. All official institutions had to communicate in the one and only one language. Ethiopians have to adopt the Amhara culture, dream the way they dream at nights, the currency speaks the language, have the photos of the rulers in note books we carry all the time as children, even the even the drinking beer vessel has the photo of Menelik, as the dear leader everyone had missed in case we forgot who they were and how grateful we are to be their slaves.

To date if one board on the Ethiopian Airlines one would be compelled to listen on takeoff and landing, 40 minutes each, classical Amharic songs and one wonders in a nation of eighty odd nationalities one and only one language's lyrics are imposed to listen to. Even the TPLF wrote their epic armed struggled journey in Amharic- Teraran YenKeTeKeTe TweLed (ተራራን ያንቀጠቀጠ ትውልድ). Everywhere and in every bookshop there are only Amharic text books to purchase. The media and news paper are infested with the same language.  What more do the Neftenaghs want that they go around and cause problems? የባጡን ኣወድ ብላ የብብትዋን ጣለች We are told to internalize this concept that we are midget’s ኣናሳ ብሔሮች a derogatory term to use. ኣናሳ is not the same as minorities it means midgets. In a world and at a time where everybody has inalienable rights to self determination including session, the Chauvinist Amharas would want to gobble and swallow minorities. Even in a society where there are no ethnic, religious, race or colour distinctions the majority of 51% could not force abide the 49% if the 49% would not wish to be ruled by if they feel something untoward is in the mind of the 51%. . That said, the 49% does submit to the rule of the 51% because they may believe they were defeated in a fair plain field. They feel they have a chance to win over next time they try if they work hard and convince more than they showed up the first time. The other problem nobody has a solution is that the 49% live and work interspersed and mingled with the majority and even if they wish to exercise their inalienable democratic right not to be ruled by the 51% but set their own government,, they could not do so because there is no geographic and demographic locations they alone could say is their own. That is the problem the 49% in a homogenous society could not overcome.

Such are the privileges the present Nefteghas are craving and wanted them back reinstated and the rest say no. This could happen upon our dead bodies.

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Ethiopia should repatriate Eritreans

Eritreans should be repatriated to their home country. Ethiopia should pay attention to it's citizens who have enormous economic and political problems. There are more than 3 million Ethiopians displaced in South Ethiopia, living in despicable conditions. More than 500 000 school children in South Ethiopia are homeless. In Tigray, about 60 000 Ethiopians from Tigray Ethnic Group or Language Community were displaced by the Amhara Regional Government. Ethiopia's economy has slowed down. There are no new investments. Foreign investors are considering leaving Ethiopia as the country is unstable.

In such condition of political, economic and social instability, the chances for civil war to replace the government are high. No one would tolerate such a government which does not understand how to  prioritise issues in the society. The current regime in Ethiopia installed by USA and The West is inept. It's only calling  to demonise the Tigrayan people, who actively participated in the government for the last 27 years. The Tigray province is ancient Ethiopia proper and has seen threats of blocked of transport of goods and closure companies belonging to Ethiopians from Tigray region. The government is waging a psychological warfare against Tigrayan peopl. The self-appointed prime minister of Ethiopia calls Tigrayans "hyenas) or "የቀን ጅቦች" in the official language. The prime minister and his supporters should be brought to court for such crimes of demonising the ancient Ethiopians or Tigrayans. The British national, who leads the armed group, Ginbot 7 has been part of the demonising campaign against the ancient Ethiopians or Tigrayans. Ginbot 7 was based in Eritrea and has been getting full support to train it's armed group by the Government in Eritrea.

Eritrea is still at war with Ethiopia. Eritrea is pitting Ethiopia's ethnic groups against one another. Eritrea's mad dog, Issayas Afeworki has been supporting the Amhara tribalists and other Opposition groups  to fight against Tigray (ancient Ethiopia). The recent border opening ceremony is a clear example. The Humera Region has been part of Tigray. Eritrea provokes war by inviting the a
Amhara local leader to come to the ceremony. Eritrea's government declares The Humera Area to be part of The Amhara Region, thus provoking war between Amhara and Tigray by siding with Amhara. This is a policy of divide and weaken. If Eritrea intends to leave in peace with Ethiopia it should not pit ethnic groups in Ethiopia. Eritrea believes The Amharas to be useful idiots to advance it's policy of weakening Ethiopia internally. Ethiopia insults the intelligence of the Ethiopian people and should thus be rebuked.

There is clearly a power struggle between TPLF and other members of the coalition. In this power struggle, the people of Tigray support any political force that supports the sovereignty and strategic interest of Ethiopia. Clearly supporting any force that hates Tigray and spreads hate politics against Tigray is not in the strategic interest of Ethiopia. What Eritrea has done is pitting Amhara against Tigray by alienating Tigray and supporting the government led by Gedu Andargachtew. This is what fascist Italy was doing and Issayas Afeworki is a fascist thug, who does not hesitate to kill all Ethiopians if he has the power to do so. The likes of Issayas Afeworki should be binned and it is a waste of time to try to change him to be a democrat or revolutionary. He has killed thousands of Ethiopian soldiers with the help of Egypt, Sudan, Syria and other countries. The Tigray people denounce and condemn the unprincipled support given to Eritrea during the war for secession from Tigray - Ethiopia

The so-called Ethiopia Eritrea Peace Deal has nothing to do with peace for Ethiopia and Eritrea. It is a means of subjugating Ethiopia to the Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc. USA and Western Europe are part of the plan. By saying this, we are not supporting TPLF. TPLF has committed many political and other crimes. TPLF should be accountable. But this is not the main issue now. The main issue is safeguarding the national interest of Ethiopia and it's sovereignty. After dealing with this main issue, TPLF could be brought to justice. Among the crimes TPLF committed are the land locking of Ethiopia, by giving away Mereb Melash Area (መረብ ምላሽ)to Eritrea. Facilitating the secession of Eritrea is another crime which TPLF will be accountable. The crimes are numerous and could be dealt with if there is a good government in Ethiopia that stands for the interest of all ethnic groups. In the current setting, the government in Ethiopia is based on anti-Tigray and anti-TPLF platform, which is the political  position of Eritrea's ruling party-Shaebia. Eritrea sees Tigray as it's arch enemy for historical and political reasons. Historically Eritrea is a group of districts that is taken away from Tigray by Italy and facilitated by Menelik of Shewa. The people of Tigray are still in slumber because of TPLF, which is infiltrated by Eriteans. The fact TPLF made Tigray the least developed province or region in Ethiopia evidence that the core leaders in TPLF are anti-Tigray. TPLF was soft on Shaebya (Eritrea ruling group).

Both Eritrea and Tigray are thus anti-Ethiopia as the leaders of both regions are from Eritrea. The people of Tigray would potentially be pro Ethiopia if given the right support. In the current political development, Eritrea is waging a propaganda against Tigray and siding with Amhara ethnofascitic groups like Gedu Andargatche, Demeke Makonnen etc. Both TPLF and Eritrea have been anti-Ethiopia. By changing TPLF through discussion we might be able to develop a pro-Ethiopia platform from all Ethnic groups including Tigray. The Amhara people are purposely manipulated by Gedu Andargatchew & co to be anti-Tigray. The issue of Wolqait and Raya is purposely driven to destabilize Tigray and to keep the people of Tigray off economic development. The aim of Eritrea is to use the Amhara too weaken Tigray, which the Amhara people may fall on this trap. After weakening Tigray, Eritrea may use the Oromo to weaken the Amhara or may side with other ethnic groups to weaken whoever in power in Ethiopia is. The history of Eritrea clearly shows it is a parasitic society trying to take advantage of others.

In general, Eritrea is still anti-Ethiopia. It is clearly against Tigray(ancient Ethiopia). Issays Afeworki, the mad dog of The Horn, continues to provoke tribal war in Ethiopia. The people of Tigray should ally with the people of Amhara, Oromo, Somalia and other ethnic groups in Ethiopia. The governemnt in Ethiopia should protect the interest of all it's people, including the people of Tigray. The prime minister of Ethiopia should stand for Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia. The policy of Eritrea based on anti-Tigray platform should be condemned and the peace deal in it's current form should not be accepted.

Ethiopia is a poor country. Ethiopia is not Europe or America. Allowing Eritreans to come en masse to Ethiopia is economically not plausible. Ethiopia should repatriate all Eritreans or send them to other third countries as Ethiopia needs the scant resources to improve the livelihood of it's own population. Eritreans are a source of instability for Ethiopia. They are anti-Ethiopia and would continue to sabotage Ethiopia. The government of Ethiopia should repatriate all Eritreans and make Ethiopia a home for those who stand and defend Ethiopia.

Ethiopia could poor countries like Eritrea, Somalia, South Sudan or Djibouti by sending them food or other support. Allowing citizens of other countries to settle en masse in Ethiopia is disrespecting the Ethiopian people. Egypt could give accommodation and food to Eritreans as Eritreans were supporting Egypt against Ethiopia. Ethiopia first stand on it's feet before trying to support other people from other countries. Ethiopia should not be abused by Europe and USA to accommodate refugees. Eritreans are better off if they settle in Europe. By preventing Eritreans to come to Ethiopia, Ethiopia is helping Eritreans to look for other alternatives. Europe does not want Eritrean refugees to migrate to European countries.

Ethiopia for Ethiopians!
Long Live Ethiopia!

የመጠላለፍ ፖለቲካው ሂደትና ደረጃው

በተክለሚካኤል ኪ/ማርያም

ኢሕአደግ ሰላማዊ የስልጣን ሽግግር በከፍተኛ ኣመራር ሲጀምር ለውጡ ተስፋ የተጣለበት እንደ ነበር ብዙዎችን የሚያስማማ ቢሆንም ሰላማዊ የስልጣን ሽግግሩ በኣርኣያነቱ የሚጠቀስና ለኣፍሪካ አገሮች ተምሳሌት ይሆናል እየተባለ ሲዘመርለት ግን የተጋነነ ነበር ማለት ይቻላል፡፡ይኸውም ችግሩ የተፈለገውን እርምት ባለመውሰድ እንጂ ክፍተቶችን አንጥሮ በማውጣት የስልጣን ሽምሹር ማድረግ ለኢሕአደግ አዲስ ካለመሆኑም በላይ አሁንም ራሱ በሚመራው ለውጥ ምን ዓይነት ተአምር እንደሚሰራ ግልፅ ኣልነበረምና፡፡

በሌላ በኩል ክቡር ጠቅላይ ሚንስትሩ በበዓለ ሲመታቸው ቀን ባደረጉት ንግግር ስሜትን የሚኮረኵሩ ብዙ ቁም ነገሮችን ሲያነሱ እውነትም ኢሕአደግ ለለውጥ ቆርጦ እንደ ተነሳ ፍንጭ የሰጠ ነበር፡፡ከንግግራቸው ከተደመጡ ዓበይት ነጥቦች መካከል አንዱ ባለፉት የስልጣን ዓመታት ለተፈጠሩ ችግሮች ይቅርታ እጠይቃሎህ ሲሉ ያኔ ኢሕአደግን ወክለው እንደ ተናገሩት የተወሰደ ቢሆንም ከተከናወኑ ስራዎች አኳያ ሲታይ ግን ኢሕአደግ ይቅርታ ይጠይቃል ሳይሆን እጠይቃሎህ ማለታቸው የግላቸው መሆኑን ግልፅ እየሆነ የመጣ፡፡

ከዚሁ ጋር በተያያዘ በአገር ውስጥም ሆነ ከአገር ውጪይስተጋባ የነበረው የፖለቲካ ፕሮፖጋንዳ እንድምታው ሲታይ ኢሕአደግ መስሎ ኢሕአደግን ማፍረስ የተባለውን ስትራተጂ እንደ ተሳካ ለመረዳት ከባድ አልነበረም፡፡አንድ ፓርቲ ይፍረስ ሲባል ግን የሚያራምደውን ፍልስፍና ትክክል እንዳልሆነ በሃሳብ ልዕልና በልጦ መገኘትናህዝቡ ፍላጎቱን የሚያሟላለትፓርቲ እንዲመርጥ አልያም ዓላማውን እንዲያስተካክል ማድረግ እንጂ ሰዎችን በማሳደድና በማሰር እንደ መፍትሄ መወሰድ ገና ከጅምሩ ችግር እንዳለው ግልፅ መሆን ጀመረ፡፡

በተለይ ኢሕአደግ የሚከተለው ፍልስፍና ህወሓት ያመጣው ስለሆነ ህወሓትን ካላጠፋን ሙተን እንገኛለን የሚል የጥላቻ ፖለቲካ በማስፋፋትናበትግራይ ህዝብ ላይ የጥፋት ክንዳቸውን ለማሳረፍ ዙሪያ ጥምጥምደባ መካሄድበአማራ ስም የተደራጁ ፓርቲዎች ግንባር ቀደም ዓላማ ከሆነ ውሎ አደረዋል፡፡ደባው የተለያየ ገፅታ ያለው ሲሆን የወሰንና ማንነት ጉዳዮችንእንደመነሻ በመጠቀም በተለያዩ የአማራና የትግራይ ኣወሳኝ ቦታዎች ግጭቶች እንዲነሱ የሚደረግ ተደጋጋሚ ትንኮሳመጥቀስ ይበቃል፡፡

ጠቅላይ ሚንስትሩምየወሰን ጥያቄዎችለመፍታት የሚያግዝ አንድ አገር አቀፍ ኮሚሽን እንደሚቋቋም ሲገልፁ የሚቋቋመው ኮሚሽን የባለሙያዎች ስብስብ ሆኖ ጥናቱ ለፌደሬሽን ምክር ቤት የሚያቀርብና ፌደሬሽኑን የሚያጠናክር እንደሚሆን ተስፋ የተጣለበት ነበር፡፡ይሁን እንጂ ከሕብረተሰቡ ግምት ውጭ ተጠሪነቱ ወደ ጠቅላይ ሚንስትሩ ከመሆኑም በላይ የመፍትሄ ሃሳብም እንደሚያቀርብ መደረጉ እንደ ተጠበቀው ሊሆን ኣልቻለም፡፡

አሁንም የህዝብ ተስፋ ያለመለሙንግግሮቻቸው መካከል አንዱ በየጊዜው በሚደረገው የስልጣን ሽግግር እየተወነጃጀሉ ከመኖር በእርቅ ፣ በይቅርታና በምህረት ለኣንዴና ለመጨረሻ ችግሮቻችንን እንደሚፈቱመግለፃቸው ነበር፡፡መሬት ላይ ያለው ግን ከዚሁ የተለየ በመሆኑ የፖለቲካ መጠላለፉ እንዳይቀጥል የብዙዎች ስጋት ሆኗል፡፡

በተለይ ባለፉት የኢሕአደግ የስልጣን ዘመን ተፈፀሙ የተባሉትን የሰብአዊ መብት ጥሰትና ሙስና በህግ እልባት እንዲያገኙ ማድረጉ ሁሉንም የሚያስማማ ቢሆንም በተለያዩ ሚዲያዎች እየተላለፈ ያለው ግን ሌላ ተጨማሪ የሰብአዊ መብት ጥሰት እያስከተለ ነው፡፡ይኸውም በቅንብርና ፈጠራ እየታጀበ በአንድ ብሄር ተወላጆች ላይ ያነጣጠረ በመሆኑ ዜጎች በጋዛ አገራቸው ክፉኛ የሚሸማቀቁበት ሁኔታ አስከትለዋል፡፡

ከዚሁ ባልተናነሰ መልኩ በአገሪቱ የተጀመሩ መለካም እንቅስቀሴዎች ተቋማዊ ኣለመደረጉ ችግር አይፈጥርም ወይ ተብሎ ለጠቅላይ ሚንስትሩ ከፓርላማ ኣባላት ጥያቄ ሲቀርብላቸው የእስራኤልን ፓርላማ እንደ አብነት በመጥቀስ ሰዎች ሃሳብ ማቅረብና መደመጥ ቢችሉም የሚያሸንፍ ድምፅ እንደሌላቸው መግለፃቸውና ለመጥፎውም ለደጉም ብዙኃኑ ባሉት መገዛት ግድ እንደሚል ያመላከተ ንግግራቸው የብዙዎች ስጋት ነበር፡፡

በመቀጠልም እያንዳንዱ ግለሰብና ድርጅት በመደመር ፍልድስፍና ለውጡን ደግፎ የዴሞክራሲ ምህዳሩ ማስፋት አለበለዘያ ተገዶ ወደ አምባ ገነንነት የመግባት እድል እንዳለና ጉዳዩ ኣፋፍ ላይ መሆኑን ደጋግመው መናገራቸው ሌላ ስጋት ነው ፡፡

በተጨማሪም የወሰንና የማንነት ኮሚሽን ሲቋቋም ከሕገ መንግሰቱ አኳያ ተቀባይነት የለውም የሚሉ አካላት እያሉ በአብላጫ ድምፅ ሽፋንመፅደቁ የዚሁ ቀጣይ እርምጃ እንደሆነ ከመወሰዱም በላይ ነገሮች እየተካረሩ ይገኛሉ፡፡
ስለዚህ ብዙኃኑም ይሁኑ ኣናሳዎች ባለቸው የህዝብ ብዛት በሃገራቸው ሊኖራቸው የሚገባ ውክልናና ተጠቃሚነት ህገ መንግስቱ መሰረት ያደረገ እንጂ ሁሉም በድምፅ እየተወሰነ ኣዳዲስ ደንቦች የሚወጡ ከሆነ ሌላ ጣጣ እንደሚያስከትል ከወዲሁ ምልክቶች እየታዩ ስለሆኑ ኣከሄዱ የሃገር ህልውናን የሚፈታተን ስህተት ያደርገዋል፡፡
በተለይ የሚደረጉ እንቅስቃሴዎች ከመጀመሪያ ጀምሮ ተቋማዊ እየተደረጉ ካለመምጣታቸው የተነሳ በኦሮሚያ እየታየ ያለው ሁኔታ የህዝቡ ስጋት ትክክል እንደነበረ ህያው ምልክት ነው፡፡ይኸውም ድርድሩ የኦዴፓ ተሳትፎ ያረጋገጠ በኦነግና በፈዴራል መንግስቱ መሆን ሲገባ በሁለቱ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች መካከል መደረጉ ለአፈታቱም አመችነት አይኖረውም፡፡
ጠቅላይ ሚንስትሩ በቃላቸው እንዳልተገኙ ሌላው ማረጋገጫ በተጨባጭ እየታየ ያለው  ልዩነትንየማስተናገድና የዴሞክራሲ ምህዳርን የማስፋት ችግር ነው፡፡ይኽውምበኣንድ በኵል የበቀል ቅስቀሳ በሚዲያዎች እንዲስፋፋ ሲደረግ በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ የተለየ አስተሳሰብ ያለው ግለሰብም ይሁን ድርጅት ፀረ ለውጥ ፣ ያልተደመረና ሌላም እየተባለ ሲሸማቀቅ በዝምታ ማለፋቸው ያልተጠበቀ ችግር ነው፡፡
የወሰን ጉዳይ ሲነሳ በሌላ ኣከባቢ ከሚፈጠሩ ግጭቶች ሲነፃፀር በትግራይና በኣማራ ክልሎች አወሳኝ ቦታዎች የሚኖሩ ህዝብ በሆነ ምክንያት ግጭት የማይከሰትባቸው ናቸው፡፡ነገር ግን በአሁኑ ጊዜ የዘረኝነት ፖለቲካ የሚስተጋባው በኣማራ ስም በተደራጁ ፓርቲዎች ሆኖ በአማራ ሚዲያዎች ፊታውራሪነት በትግራይ ላይ እየተደረጉ ያሉት ትንኮሳዎች ፈዴራል መንግስቱ በዝምታ መመልከት ሌላ ታሪክ ይቅር የማይለው ስህተት ይሆናል፡፡
በተለይ ኢሳት የተባለው ቴሌቪዥን የዘር ማጥፋት ቅስቀሳ በትግራይ ላይ ማካሄድ ከጀመረ ዓመታትን ሲያስቆጥር በአማራ መገናኛ ብዙኃንም ከሓምሌ 2008 ዓ/ም ጀምሮ ኣሁን ደግሞ በፌደራል ሚዲያዎች ጭምር በትግራይ ህዝብ ላይ ግልፅ የስነ ልቦና ጠርነት ከፈቶውበታል፡፡ለዚሁም በሌላ ብሄር ተወላጆች አየወረደ ያለው ግፍ የባሰበት ቢሆንም በተለያዩ ክልሎች የሚገኙ የትገራይ ተወለጆች ላይ ግድያ ፣ ማስፈራሪያ ፣ ዛቻና እንግልት እየደረሰባቸው ከመሆኑም በላይ አጠቃለይ የትግራይ ህዝብ እንዲሸማቀቅ ሲደረግ በዝምታ መታለፉ ሌለው የፌደራል መንግስት ችግርነው፡፡
ይህ አካሄድ ሆን ተብሎ እየተሰራ ለመሆኑ ደግሞ ብዙ ማስረጃዎች ማቅረብ የሚቻል ሲሆን ጥቂቶችን ለመጥቀስ አንድ ተጎጂ በመንግስት ድርጅት ጥቃት ለማድረስ ሲል ፀጥታ አካላት ደርሰውበት ሲሮጥ በእጁ ይዞት የነበረውን ቦንብ ፈንድቶ አካላቱ የተቆረጠው በትግርኛ ተናጋሪዎች ምርመራና ድብደባ እግሮቼ ተቆረጡ ብሎ እንዲናገር መደረጉ፡፡
እንዲሁም በቅርቡ በቡራዩ የማሰቃያ ጉድጓድ ፣ ተጎጆዎችና እነሱን ሲያመላልሱ የነበሩ ሄልኮፕተሮች መገኘታቸውንና እንዲዘገቡ በከተማው ባለስልጣን ለጋዜጠኞች ጥሪ ተደርጎ ምንም ነገር እንደሌለ የተረጋገጠው ሌላ ማስረጃ ሲሆን ይህንን በተመለከተ የዘገበ ኣካል አለመኖሩ በእጅጉ ያሳዝናል፡፡
እንዲህ ዓይነቱ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ብዙዎችን ሊያደናግር እንደሚችል ባያጠራጥርም በቴሌቪዥን እየቀረቡ ለህገ ወጡ አካሄድ በመደገፍ ትንታኔ የሚሰጡ ምሁራን ፣ ባለስልጣናትና የፖለቲካ ሰዎች በርካታ ናቸው፡፡ነገር ግን ምርመራ እንዴት እንደሚካሄድ ከማወቃቸውም በላይ የእያንዳንዱ ባለ ጉዳይ መዝገብ ማን እንደ መረመረውና መቸ እንደተመረመረ በሰነድ የተያዘ መሆኑን እያወቁ ህዝብን ማደናገራቸው አሁንም ታሪክ ይቅር የማይለው ስህተት እንደሆነ መታወቅ ይኖርበታል፡፡
ተወደደም ተጠላም በትግራይ ላይ እየቀረበ ያለው የስነ ልቡና ጦርነት ለጥቂት ፖለቲካኞች ፣ ፅንፈኛ ብሄርተኞችና ባለስልጣናት የልብ ልብ ቢሰማቸውም ኢትዮጵያውነትን የሚሸረሽርና የዘቀጠ አስተሳሰብ በመሆኑ ሰፊው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ከማሳዘኑም በላይ የታሪክ ተጠያቅነት እንዳለው መገንዘብ ያስፈልግ ነበር፡፡
በእኔ እይታ ኣሁኑ እየታየ ያለው በትግራይ ላይ ያነጣጠረ ደባ በ1980 ዓ/ም በለገሰ አሰፋው ከተፈፀመው ጋር የተለየ ሆኖ ኣላገኘሁትም፡፡ይኸውም ለገሰ አስፋው ዓሳውን ለማጥፋት ባሕሩን ማንጠፍ ብሎ በትግራይ ህዝብ ላይ ጥፋት በማወጅ ሰኔ 12 ቀን 1980 ዓ/ም ከመቐለ ያንቀሳቀሰው ጦር በ40 ኪሎ ሜትር ርቀት በሚገኘው ዓልዓሳ በተባለው ቦታ በቤተ ክርስቲያን ለፀሎት በተሰበሰበው ህዝብ ላይ የጅምላ ግድያ በመፈፀም 340 ሰዎች ሲገደሉሰኔ 15 ቀን ደግሞ ሓውዜን ለገበያ በተሰበሰበው ህዝብ ላይ የአየር ድብደባ በማካሄድ ከ2500 በላይ ንፁኃን ዜጎች ተገድለዋል፡፡
አሁንም በአማራ ስም የተደራጁ ፓርቲዎችና በክልሉ ባለስልጣናት ግፊት ለትግራይ ህዝብ መሰረታዊ ፍላጎት ያሟላሉ የተባሉትን ሁሉ እንዲከለከሉና መንገዶችን በመዝጋት ህዝቡ በችግር እንዲንበረከክ መሞከር ፣ የነጋዴዎች ንብረት በጠራራ ፀሓይ መዝረፍ ወዘተ የለገሰ አስፋው እርምጃ እየተደገመ ነው፡፡
የዚሁ ቀጣይ ሰይጣናዊ ተልእኮም በቅርቡበ12 የኣማራ ከተሞች ሰልፍ ተካሂዶ ዋስትናችን ህገ መንግስቱ ሳይሆን ኣንድነታችንና ነፍጣችን ነው የሚል መፈክር በማስተጋባት በትግራይ ላይ ጦርነት ታውጀዋል፡፡ይባስ ብሎም የአስራ ሁለቱ ከተሞች አስተዳዳሪዎች ጥያቄዎቻቹሁን ዳር ለማድረስ ግንባር ቀደም እንሆናለን ብለው አዋጁን በማፅደቅ ሰልፉ ሲጠናቀቅ አሁንም ፈዴራል መንግስቱ ኣንዳችም ኣላለም፡፡ከዚሁ የተነሳ የትግራይ ህዝብ ራሱን ከመከላከል ሌላ ኣማራጭ እንደሌለው ያረጋገጠበት ቀን ነው ማለት ይቻላል፡፡
የጥንስሱ ሰንሰለት ከየት ወዴት እንደ ሆነም ፕረዚደንት ኢሳይያስ የሰማእታት ቀን ለማክበር ለተሰበሰበው የኤርተራ ህዝብ የኢትዮ-ኤርተራ ችግር በሰላም ለመፍታት በኢትዮጵያ ጥሪ መደረጉና ወደ አዲስ አበባ አንድ ቡዱን ለመላክ መወሰናቸው ሲናገሩ በኢሕአደግ ከሚመራ መንግስት ጋር ለመነጋገር ነበር፡፡
ነገር ግን ቃል በቃል ያሉት ነገር «ኣሽካዕላል ወያነ አብቂዑ ፤ game over ተባሂሉ» ብለው በህወሓት ላይ ብሎም በትግራይ ህዝብ ላይ ምን እንደ ተጠነሰሰ በማያሻማ ቋንቋ ነግረውናል፡፡ኣሽካዕላል ማለት በእሳቸው ትግርኛ ዙሪያ ጥምጥም ኣሻጥር ማለት ይመስለኛል፡፡እንግዲህ ኢሕአደግ ወደ ሚመራው መንግስት የሰላም ንግግር ለማድረግ የሰላም መልእክተኛ እየላኩ ወያኔያበቃለትና የፖለቲካ ጨዋታው አክትመዋል ማለታቸው ምን ያህል ዘልቀው እንደገቡና የለውጡ ቀያሽና ተቋዳሽ እነማንን እንደሚያካትትየተረጋገጠበት ዕለትና የሰላም አጀንዳው ትግራይን ያገለለ እንደሆነ ግልፅ ነበር፡፡
ሌላ ተጨማሪ ማስረጃ ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች በሰላም እንዲታገሉና እስረኞች እንዲፈቱ ወዘተ የሚለው የኢሕአደግ የለውጥ አቅጣጨ በአራቱ የኢሕአደግ ኣባል ድርጅቶች አመራሮች ተመከሮበት ለህዝቡ ይፋ ቢሆንም የግንቦት 7 መሪዎች አዲስ አበባ ሲገቡ ፕሮፌሰር ዶ/ር ብርሃኑ ነጋ በስም ተቃዋሚ በመካከላችን ያላችሁ የወያኔ ተላላኪዎች ወዮላችሁ ብለው በመስቀል አደባባይ በተሰበሰበው ህዝብ ፊት መዛታቸው በህወሓትና በትግራይ ህዝብ ላይ ምን እንደ ታሰበ የበለጠ በግልፅ ቋንቋ አስቀምጠውታል፡፡
ባለፉት ዘጠኝ ወራት እንደ ተገነዘብነውም ትግራይን ማዳከም የሚለው ስልት ይሳካ ኣይሳካ ሌላ ጉዳይ ሆኖ በአዴፓ በኩል ወደ መጨረሻው ምዕራፍ የደረሰ ይመስላል፡፡ይኸውም
1.   መጀመሪያ የትግራይ ወይ የህወሓት የበላይነት ነበር የሚል በሰፊው በመስበክ ህዝብን ማደናገርና ሁሉም ወደ ትግራይ እንዲያነጣጥር ማድረግ የሚለው ተሰርቶበታል፡፡
2.   ህዝቡን በጥላቻ ዓይነ ልቦናውን ከሰወሩ በኋላ ዓለም የመሰከረለትን ልማት እንደሌለ በአደባበይ መካድና ልማቱ እንዲደናቀፍ ማድረግ እሱም ተከናውነዋል፡፡
3.   ልክ የጀርመን ናዚዎች እስራኤላውያንን ከምድረ ገፅ ለማጥፋት በተነሱበት ወቅት ትክክል አይደለም ብለው በተቃወሙ ጀርመናውያን ላይ አስቀድመው ግድያ እንደፈፅሙ ሁሉ በኢትዮጵያ ልማት መኖሩን የሚምኑና ለልማቱም ሆነ ለጥፋቱ ሁሉም የኢሕአደግ ኣባል ድርጅቶች ሓላፊነቱን መውሰድ ይገባል ላሉትም ማሳደድ ፣ ማስፈራራትና ከሓላፊነት እንዲለቁ ማድረግ ፣ ዕድለኞች የሆኑትም በመንግስት ጫና የራሳቸው ጥያቄ በማስመሰል በጡሮታ እንዲገለሉ ማድረግ የሚለው ይህም ተሰርተዋል፡፡
4.   በአማራ ፖለቲከኞችና ልሂቀን የተነደፈ አንድ ክላሽ ለአንድ አማራ የሚለውን የስልጠናና ትጥቅመርሃ ግብር መገባደዱንም መረጃዎች በመውጣት ላይ ናቸው፡፡
ለዚህ ሁሉ ቅድመ ሁኔታ ማሳረጊያው በሌለ የወሰንና የማንነት ጥያቄ ሰበብ በትግራይ ህዝብ ላይ ጦርነት መክፈት ነው፡፡ነገር ግንየትግራይ ህዝብ ብቃት በራሳ አቅም መዝኖ ወደ እርምጃ መግባት ውድቀት መሆኑን ከኮሎኔል መንግስቱ ኃ/ማርያም መማር ሲገባቸው የአዴፓና አብን መሪዎች ትግራይን በኃይል እናበረክካለን ብለው ለዳግም ውድቀት ተዘጋጀተዋል፡፡ይኸውም እነሱ አርበኞች የሚላቸውን የሽፍቶች መንጋ በየከተማው እየዙሩ ደማቅ አቀባበል እንዲደረግላቸው በማድረግ ትግራይን እንጨብጣለን፡፡ፋብረካዎቸቸውም ነቅለን እናመጣለን እያሉ ጦርነቱ እንዴት እንደሚመሩና ወጣቱም እንዴት እንደሚከተላቸው ቅስቀሳና መግለጫ በመስጠት ተጠምደው መሰንበታቸው ዝግጀታቸውን እንዳጠናቀቁ የሚያመላክት ነው፡፡
ስለዚህ የፌደራል መንግስትና የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በትግራይ ህዝብ ላይ እየተሸረበ ያለው ደባ ትክክለኛ ግንዛቤ ወስደው ግልፅ አቋም እንዲይዙይጠበቃል፡፡በተለይ መሰርይነቱን የሚያንቀሳቅሱት የተወሰኑ የአማራ ፖለቲከኞችና ልሂቃን ቢሆኑም በየመዝናኛ ቤቱ ፣ በየባህል ምሸትና በየስብሰባ አዳራሹ እየተደመጡ ያሉት የጦርነት ዳንኬራዎችየአማራ ህዝብ በቀጥታ እየተከታተላቸው ስለሆነየሁለቱ ክልሎች ንፁኀን ዜጎችየጥፋቱ ሰለባ ከመሆናቸው በፊት ለሰላማዊ መፍትሄ ጊዜው አልመሸምና የተቻለውን ያደርጋል የሚል ተሰፋችን ገና አልተሟጠጠም፡፡


TPLF hegemony has ended, but EPRDF power struggle is just beginning (Ethiopia Insight)

By Mastewal Dessalew

Photo: From l-r, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed with the leaders of Tigray, Debretsion Gebremichael, and Amhara, Gedu Andargachew; Ethiopian government

When regional powers battled for control of the kingdom in the 18th and 19th centuries, historians called it the Age of Princes. As the EPRDF turns fratricidal, is Ethiopia now entering its Age of Parties? Since it came to power as a rebel movement in 1991, the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front, under the watchful guidance of its Tigrayan core, has been an overwhelmingly powerful political force.
The three other member parties have been largely subservient to the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which imposed its vision, dogma, and policies on the front, and thus the country.
But following the past two years of resistance in the most-populous regions, Amhara and Oromia, TPLF hegemony has crumbled and its formerly junior partners are assertive.
Yet the resulting political jujitsu among squabbling EPRDF siblings is adversely affecting the lives of millions of Ethiopians.
Angered by lost privilege and power, TPLF elements are fomenting conflict in Qemant populated areas of Amhara to undermine the Amhara Democratic Party (ADP), and flirting with the Oromo Liberation Front in Oromia to challenge that state’s now ascendant rulers.
ADP and the Oromo Democratic Party (ODP) hit back by exposing in the media the crimes of TPLF officials such as Getachew Assefa and his deputies at the National Intelligence and Security Service. ADP is also openly supporting the identity questions in Wolqait-Tegede and Raya to demonstrate to Amhara people that it is no more the servant of TPLF.
The Qemant question is an ADP-TPLF flashpoint, but the issues are obscured by TPLF propaganda and destabilization. The 2016 protest in Gondar that ignited the Amhara protests was a watershed moment in recent developments. Besides the demonstration, the stay-home protest that eventually paralyzed the regime started there. In addition, by showing solidarity to the protests in Oromia, it took the struggle to the next stage. Since the start of the resistance in Gondar, the TPLF’s influence has been waning day-by-day, so, is has been trying to pit residents of the Gondar area against each other.
Identity is fluid
Currently, there is no linguistic or cultural difference between Amhara and Qemant and settlements are mixed. Centuries old intermarriage, movement of people and urbanization has resulted in an intermingled linguistically homogeneous society. The case of Qemant and Amhara is just like two Americans who trace their ancestry to different European countries. Their forefathers might have spoken different tongues and differ in culture, but they do not.
EPRDF under the leadership of the TPLF was the government of minorities. Being identified as the member of majority ethnicity like the Amhara or Oromo was perceived to place someone at a disadvantage. Therefore, some Ethiopians were eager to play-up their minority status, even if they were predominantly Amhara or Oromo. But with the waning of TPLF supremacy, such tactics are no longer required, and it might even be a dangerous move in practice considering the rising ethno-nationalist sentiment among the majority groups.
Identity is fluid in many inter-regional border areas and Amhara and Tigray in particular. The 1991 border demarcation that ignores the historical and natural boundaries between the two has led to bitter controversy. In 1991, a triumphant TPLF was in the heady mood of a victor who grabbed anything it could. But it bit off more than it can chew by incorporating adjacent areas of Gondar (Wolqait-Tegede) and Wollo (Raya) into Tigray. It apparently didn’t consider the long-run ramifications of its action.
In its heyday the TPLF could dictate almost anything to its subordinates. ADP (ANDM), a lapdog since its inception, was not in a position to object to the annexation; it was more inclined to support it to show its loyalty. But with the power shift, things are changing dramatically.
Brothers at arms
TPLF’s contempt towards ADP and both parties willingness put up a fight is a dangerous development. Abiy’s ODP (OPDO) and Oromo ethno-nationalists see the scrap between ADP and TPLF as a great opportunity to weaken their two rivals. They believe that a struggle between the two would clear the way for ODP’s absolute control of the central government.
ODP and ADP have been taking a good cop-bad cop approach to their dealings with TPLF. While ADP is the bad cop that aggressively gave media coverage to the crimes of TPLF officials, ODP was the good cop that showed restraint, until recently. It is only after the TPLF accused the incumbents of violating the constitution at rallies in Tigray that ODP shot back with a program that showed victims of torture on national television.
Amid this internal rivalry, the EPRDF parties have lost a clear unifying political ideology. Revolutionary democracy has already become revelatory kleptocracy. It is no more a secret that multi-billion dollar projects like the Renaissance Dam are plagued by mismanagement and party conglomerates like EFFORT are more a means of exploitation and extraction than competitive and innovative entities. Most of their wealth came from avoiding taxes, winning government contracts without competition, getting prime urban land on the cheap, dodging loan repayments, and similar other preferential treatment by the government.
Amidst the maelstrom, Abiy seems intent on establishing himself as supreme leader for the foreseeable. The introduction of his Republican Guard is reminiscent of the notorious “Abiyot Tibeka” (the Amharic phrase for Revolutionary Guard) of Mengistu Hailemariam and Meles Zenawi’s infamous Agazi commando force.
A powerful Prime Minister has an Achilles Heel
Both previous strongmen used such units to unleash ruthless attacks on rivals. It seems Abiy is taking a page out of their handbooks. There is no clarity about his new personal protection force; the news of its formation and its televised drill was a bolt from the blue. We will see if it is used responsibly or if it will become “Abiy/ot Guard II”.
Abiy understands that Ethiopia’s political culture is conducive to the rise of a strongman and he is thriving on it. But this powerful Prime Minister has an Achilles Heel. Even if he has widespread popular support in Amhara, Addis Ababa and the South, he and his party is yet to get such support from Oromia, the regional state his party rules. OLF is standing in his way. To win the hearts and minds of Oromos, Abiy has been handling OLF with kid gloves, and the latter exploited the situation.
After entering the country in 2018 following the power shift, OLF is strengthening its force in all parts of Oromia and its commanders appears determined to match the firepower of the central government. It is recruiting and training new fighters in areas under its control. Recently its fighters clashed with government forces and its leaders gave defiant press statements. To quote Dawud Ibsa, OLF leader, “There were conflicts in Sellalie, Bale, Guji and eastern Wollega but the major war is going on in western Wollega.”
Selalie is in central Ethiopia, Bale in the south east, Guji in the south and Wollega in the west. It is clear that OLF fighters are entrenched throughout Oromia and in bordering areas that it has long had designs on. Alemu Sime, a top ODP official, accused the emboldened OLF fighters, saying they’d killed officials and taken western Oromia out of control of the government and started to tax people.
With the strong political support it enjoys in parts of western Oromia, OLF is in a good position in its challenge ODP both on the battlefield and at the ballot box. In the upcoming election, there is a chance that OLF could jeopardize the political life of Abiy and his party in Oromia, and by extension in Ethiopia.

Unpresidented ambition

Cognizant of the danger, Abiy might be tempted to change the parliamentary system of the country into a presidential system. Other Oromo political parties have previously shown their appetite for such a change. For example, in the 2005 election political debate, the founder and leader of Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement Bulcha Demeksa argued for a presidential system and made it clear that is his party’s aim because the Ethiopian people wanted to directly elect their leader.
Other Oromo ethno-nationalists may also prefer that, but they might want to wait until after the coming national census, which can be used to legitimize their false claim of Oromos comprising half the population. According to the last census in 2007, Oromos are 34 percent of the population, but elite ethno-nationalists have a record of disseminating incorrect data.
For example, Ezekiel Gebissa, a history professor at Kettering University, claimed that “the Oromo constitute about 50 percent of the population”. Similarly, Awol Kassim Allo, a law lecturer at Keele University in the U.K., said: “Oromos makeup more than almost 40 percent of Ethiopia’s population” for CNN on March 7, 2018.
Under the leadership of ODP, there is a possibility that the upcoming census would be tampered with and so such falsehoods legitimized. Once done, they would push for a presidential system, or a parliamentary system that guarantees at least half of the seats for their ethnicity.
The commission must take utmost care
But changing the system requires amending the constitution and amending the constitution will not be a walk in the park. The founding document of the federation is in fact a bone of contention among Ethiopian elites.
Currently, both Tigrayan and Oromo ethno nationalists want the existing constitution, which was primarily designed by TPLF and OLF, to stay untouched. Whereas the Amhara argue that they were not represented when the constitution was drafted and adopted. Among the Amhara, the constitution is merely the political document of TPLF and OLF that doesn’t take into account their interest.
If there is any constitutional amendment, the Amhara would fight to gain their lost territories of Wolqait-Tegede, Raya and Metekel (currently part of Benishangul-Gumuz region) among others. Amending the constitution means compromising such competing interests and it would be difficult to do it before elections considering they are less than 18 months away.
If you are wondering why the border commission was created, Abiy and his coterie know that it is dangerous to amend the constitution without addressing that issue. But the border disputes cannot be solved without changing the constitution. It is like the chicken-and-egg causality dilemma.
In addition, the border commission could further complicate the problem due to a lack of experience and historical, geographical and political awareness, or even due to some short-sighted political goal. The commission must take utmost care. There are also those, most of them TPLF supporters, who raise a question about its constitutionality.

The Age of Parties?

Many people think that EPRDF has somehow survived the popular revolt of the past three years. And EPRDF has indeed survived—but in name only. The balance of power, ideology, and relationship among member parties has changed significantly and permanently.
ODP under Abiy is enjoying immense power in central government, but OLF is beating them at home. Unlike ODP, ADP has no strong contender in Amhara region, as the National Movement of Amhara (NaMA) is a party created with the blessing of ADP. NaMA is more of the youth branch of reformed ADP than an adversary. NaMA’s leadership also lacks experience. In the short run the two would cooperate rather than compete, but with the aging of the leadership of ADP and gaining of political experience by NaMA, the latter could become the former’s Frankenstein.
Moreover, EPRDF in general, and ADP in particular, are in soul-searching mode in terms of ideology and their future strategy, and forthcoming shifts could bring unexpected conflicts of interest.
Coming to the EPRDF’s southern wing, it is suffering from an inherent weakness of internal rivalry among different ethnic groups in Southern Nations regional state. Most zonal administrations in the area are demanding their own state. Meanwhile, the ruling parties of the five non-EPRDF regions seek a seat at the top table that they have long been denied.
Isayas is not concealing his hostility to TPLF
For the TPLF, the issue of Wolqait-Tsegede and Raya is a nightmare. As if that is not enough, its officials’ crimes are haunting the party. In addition, an ailing leadership is struggling to keep-up with political developments.
Most of the TPLF top guns prospered in the past two decades and they will lose a lot if the situation in the country gets out of control. The location of Tigray, far from the political and geographic center, and the much smaller size of TPLF’s constituency compared with ADP and ODP, puts TPLF at a disadvantage. After it lost federal power, TPLF is no more punching above its weight. But, taking into account the financial, intelligence and military resources it amassed in the last 27 years, it won’t go down without a fight.
It is already undermining both ODP and ADP at home, but TPLF’s gambit could backfire as economic action including blocking roads could intensify and power lines may also be targeted. Most electricity is generated outside Tigray and has to cross Amhara.
Things could escalate and fracture, especially with the inflammatory addition of Isayas Afeworki to the equation. Forgotten and desperate, Eritrea’s autocrat never thought that he would have such a golden opportunity. His legacy as Eritrea’s liberation hero and founding father was tainted by his authoritarian rule and his fall into TPLF’s trap, which alienated and impoverished Eritrea for two decades. Isayas is not concealing his hostility to TPLF and wouldn’t hesitate to avenge his humiliation. His legacy will be determined by how he plays this last game to the long-term advantage of his country.

The political tit-for-tat among EPRDF parties shows it is no longer a unified front that works for a common goal with a shared ideology. It is a collection of factions engaged in medieval-style political intrigue in order to become the country’s dominant force. Ethiopians are likely to suffer increasingly as the struggle intensifies.